cb server testing || map restrictions


15. Before the match.

Imo those rules are little stupid. We need to spend an hour to test server and stuff? Spend hour on irc (one of my teammates is not using mirc, i dont like to use it neither...) and connecting to servers and stuff. How can I play well after one non-productive hour of stupid sitting and watching screen. I want to play some pracc before the match to be warmed up...

So I got the question, if we finish testing fast enough (lets say 40 minutes before match starts), can we leave irc and stuff and go play pracc and then come back on warserver in time?


Havent found in those rules:
What about map restrictions, like frostbite (oc 3on3):
Can I plant side?
Can I use side, but not plant?
Or perhaps I'm not allowed to use side as allies?
Can I use side as axis?

I know braundorf isnt played, but could allies plant and go side there? Or only busting, or not allowed to use side at all?

Have a good night, pls need answers
one more question: is yawn.be fucking working or not wtf?
It is working.
Side is allowed on all maps.
just ignore it and join irc 5 minuites before start:<
u can have mirc (or what ever client u use) connected and in the chan while u play warmup... if anyone highlights u u'll hear it (sound on hightlight enabled ofc), and tab out to see... np
and what about checking server and stuff? all players have to be on test server, ref have to write down ping of players and stuff... then connecting to second server...
haha didn't read that (not gonna play)... but gl with that...

tbh, it's looks like they have c/p the rules from another more ping-relevant game...
You can connect to irc and still play a game while being there... I have participated in a few opencups and I'm sure that there wasn't a single match where my clan had all the players on IRC. 90% of clans don't whine about it, usually just the WA's meet there to agree on a server, that's it. You can test the server in 1 minute and then play a pracc or do whatever you want. There are, of course, some clans that want to follow every single rule and they'll bitch about not being on IRC

About the maps. You can go whichever way you want afaik. There is no rule that forbids it.
There is no rule that says that all 6 must be on IRC. Only 1 is needed.
they dont have to be - right, but if they wont, their ping will be considered as 0, that wont be good for deciding server - some ping % stuff
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