4 and 5 can blow me, 3 is the best one ever and stuff.

HoMM 2 was the best ever. It was a kinda of a revolution back then. And it still rocks. 3 is not bad, so isn't 4 - but you just have to love nr 2!
homm2 was great, I remember playing it tons. 3 just took 2 and made it better. Then 4 screwed everything up.
Halt doch Mal das Maul
2 was the first I played and it PWNED and 3 is just as good, or better :D
what is it please full name ?
heroes of might and magic
I think 5 is better than 3 but after playing 3 so fucking much 5 didn't give me enough new shite to keep the interest up.
dunno, when 5 was first released it had like 5 scenarios and a boring campaign. Maybe expansions and patches made it better, but 3 had so much stuff to do it was more fun imo
HoMM 3 + addons kicks ass
HoMM3 with the expansions = pure awesome. I really should get round to finishing the expansion campaigns though :s
HoMM 3 > all
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