x264 ooo

After dozens of tries to achieve some nice quality with x264, I never got better quali than with xvid (unless mb/min would be significantly higher than with xvid) in some ET clips.

So, are there some settings you would recommend?
4000 bitrate
still worse than xvid with more mb/min :X I just don't rly know how to set those randoms in RC and ME/Advanced.

Just use 3 passes instead of 2, like that tutorial suggests and bitrate at least 3500, perhaps even over 4000, for ET. Should give you decent quality with less than 30 mb / min.
chm, I used those settings with 3900 bitrate and I got 29 MB/min and the quality was only OK, not good:) @ 856*480
thanxz for tips! Now I'm gonna test those.)
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