ET .. your live

Hi 24/7 gamers,

I was wondering why some of the ET players
really care about there career, i mean, whats better?
wanking @ some visual computer players
or having sex, drink beer and party like hell

discuss: ET is for a lot of people a obsession

thanks for reading,

shout out to Billy de Beer, Flap, Tommygun, Bartos_the0wner, Ath0ze
oh my god, SO TRUE
lal :D
im a g33k
yes i am a n3rd :<
u2? nice to know im a nerd 2 <3
99 % of the guys who are registered here = n3rds imo.
hmm never took this game to sirious, but ins on the other hand....
rite dewd
the really addicted ones that wanna have a carrear with et are focusing on games, that you can live for as a pg...
but ET is not strong enough for beeing liveable
ja hijs sterk
hans gaat hard
pas maar op als hij z'n haren los gooit is het een wilde tijger
I find it easy to combine both
haha sayow
hey stoerevent tot in Enschede
lal ga je ook?
uiteraard, het is de plek waar je ineens duizend lelijke mensen tegelijk ziet
dan ben jij de enigste knappejonge:(
ik heb gehoord dat er ook een zekere tom komt
klopt mischa
klopt perfo
Jihadii has added you to his buddylist !

i think u can do both things...
for example ME xD :>
i have a really nice rl with a lots of kewl m8s and a nice girlfriend (YA i have sEX!!!)
and on the outher side...i have a very nice team with some very nice m8s..and i rly like them!!!!!
your life imo
ET is shit , I don't care about my career , but I care about my SILKROAD ONLINE SUPERCAREERLOL :;; DD

Yes , we all are n3rdZ .

hi keytaro =)
People like you on the other hand are the biggest retards.
life is overrated
well i just realised today, how much et sucks : D
Can I ask what you get out of making such a journal apart from people thinking you're an absolute retard?
can i ask you why you play ET? you suck even more then killer_PL
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