my mouse (RAZER DB)

14 days ago it first turned off and on again, and i need to restart my razer config.
that was the problem for 2 days, then that shit heppened twice a day and so like on a half of hour...and today, first time turned i was plaiyn ET with some friend and it was just like ... dead..then i put usb plugin out, wait 10 secs, and then put it back. It was ok but omg what should I do...i changed those mouses for 3 times jet...RLY dont know what to do...if u have any idea how to repair this tell me...otherwise i will need to change it again...tell me what to do

tnx in advance. mqtri !
it's fucked up, you can't do anything afaik besides sending it back and getting a new one, that problem usually happens with DB.
i tought someone will say that, i did that 3 times now but I still hoped that it wont have to do it again...

Bright site : its free
well i would send it back to get a WORKING new one instead having to introduce it on my ass.
your mouse
is this arabian or english language?
as fuknen al zabit ?
omg res si anoying an majkemi !
zo is dat
akken iijeg rettje kaputt
not in my ass plzzz :)
ti si kr dej svojo majko, np4me
o rly al kaj
a loh prasam kok si velk?
za slikce tko majhnih otrok pa pedofili še plačajo :d
LOL'D :>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ohlol :)

only 40 euros
Where is Loekino and what did You do to him?
first time I read about this :d sounds nice, I'd try it! (just for the fuck of it)
yeh clown is right, sumthing is going on !!!
its prolly fucked up
obviously :)
im getting 500 stable with DB magma (first one)
even at high sensi's?
400 DPI
500 Hz
Windows = 10 (by registry)
ET = 2.6
that's like 360 over 35 cm?
Nice shit.

but why do you use Loekino's account here?
Just chop a bit of the wire off at the mouse end and reconnect it, will be perfectly fine. I've had two DBs and I've had to do it to both of them, never had to do it twice to the same mouse though.
heh, does rustig :)
its overdrive... what do u expect 0_0
Looking foward to the officially xfire sherlock award
my razer diamondback has been working for 2 years now, and ive been playing 4 months on 500 hz... a miracle anyone ?
mine broke after 1 year, but then i bought mx518 and nps
same, have used it for 2.5 years @ 500Hz, but last time there were some wire problems too, however now i have copperhead, so nP@me.
new jimi hendrix
You people just can't handle the Diamondback properly, I've had it for over 2 years now and not a single problem has occured!
my copperhead brokes after 2month. same prob with usb....
so maybe think about another one

and ofc he is the new hendrix!

i got a DB too, since yesterday it has started to freeze up all the time and i have to unplug/replug

power still going to it, and my USB ports power saving is off

ITS A WINDOWS UPDATE i think, there has been a new one lately and i just updated then it went bad
u rly believe this, windows update?? so u plugged in another mouse or what u did then??
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