Lazio put a hold to the cheaters

Yesterday, Lazio did what no one could do: He stopped the lately most accused of cheating clan. Yes we're talking about team-plasa indeed. Lazio said he left the team and all the rest followed him. Can we get a haleluja for lazio!?
applause for retarded cheaters? nothx
lazio doesnt cheat:o
thats what i want to make u think
omg -.- u know as good as me that NOONE of team-plasa was cheating! we have just been too inactive cause of too much 3v3 shit... it's funny how it's possible to destroy a team only by creating some worthless "cheater avis" and flame around in different threats... ppl call me a cheater that have never seen me playing... neighter ettv nor demo!
omg, flame him plz
forza juve, lazio merde!
no, lets get plasa back. skilled & experienced
sad day for the Enemy Territory community?
darkii you stole my idea :)
our secret

edit: ur english sux way too hard to write it:D
i already knew that np4me i randomly /whois Lazio everyday !
it is a fanboy's dutie ..
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