Tamppoon's did it again!

We have already seen Finland Tampoon's showing their wonderfull skills in ET matches. (Or actually, those weren't skills, it was just a broken mouse.)

Last night we had a CB 6on6 Ladder official against tA.et and as you might guess there was one guy who took our notice. Clanbase profile and guids were just resently created for this guy.

#ctn.et -sherlocks, knattertons, matlocks and mcgyvers were ready to action in 2.426 seconds after that came out.

We got the IP from the server logs, after a quick check we knew that it was a guy from Finland Savonlinna and using ISP called Savonlinnan Puhelin Oy. We also knew that SPOy uses dynamic IP's so of course we crosschecked the IP for busted players and found this:

Swan at PBBans
Swan aka Kirurg at CB

Obviously this fucker has a dynamic IP-addres, but as you can see only the last mask changes.

We knew everything from now on and get straight to action without any covertops.- business and asked from tA.et guys theirselves:

<@cellux> AmG- SwipeR` kuka o tamppoonien Neo`?
<@AmG-> cellux
<@AmG-> swan
<@SwipeR`> cellux se on swan :P


<@cellux> AmG- Swiper` who is Neo` from tamppoon's?
<@AmG-> cellux
<@AmG-> swan
<@SwipeR`> cellux it is swan :P

Another sad day for Finnish ET-community and hopefully another dropout from OC, who want's to play against a team who consciously recruits busted players?

EDIT: Later on our masterdog of sherlockchief Finland IronFist found interesting coincidence: Idols Log. At the same minute removed member Gifu alias swan and added angga alias neo alias swan.

Flame on: #ctn.et
nice read ?
lol, no wonder he sucked so hard at quake :D
irclogs, ban
I could also put them in interview form but who cares?
image: logs
now ban varma!
It's private irc logs ~/
im not swan lol'd
Varma se on taas pätemässä :D
clanbase should recruit IronFist :>
obv he has too much spare time when he is at work :)
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