CPC2 Headset

I ordered a headset last week and the bloody thing still hasn't arrived, and I'm leaving in around 3 hours to England eVo's real life house! It would be appreciated if anyone who is playing, or anyone who is not playing could possibly bring a spare headset for me to use during the course of the event... I would reward you in a substancial amount of alcoholic beverages.

Please let me know if you could bring me a headset to use... thanks :(
i dont have a spare one im afraid..

ur going to evo's reallife house? :P not to his online house?
its called arrogant prick house
so looking forward to seeing you at lan
so nice mate !1
i wonder if you can possibly be as bad in real life
18:36:13| (ae`dONK) see you at lan then for the fist fight
im even more arrogant irL
lol i wonder why
last time i borrowed someone my headset (namely a certain croat called acozz :-d) it came back broken !
nice lies!!! :[[[[
use mine
you would only lose with my shitty speedlink crap headset :)
I bet you will destroy it in the same way like your old :P stand up cable pulled of :p
"I ordered a headset last week and the bloody thing still hasn't arrived"

same here..
schaap i might bring mine spare headset PC30

dont count on it tbh :D

what lvl are you now :DDD me > 17 > all :D
I ordered a headset and hyperglidez last week on Monday, they haven't even been sent yet. So now you'll most likely be able to see my awesome headphones @ CPC.
Quote by SheepI would reward you in a substancial amount of alcoholic beverages.

Age: 17 ( 23 August 1989 )

^ It's a trick!!!!!!!1111
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