Having googled for a definition of ostracized, i (in a sense) do agree, but LAN is one of the few options players have to prove they're not cheaters, and is it fair to rid them of that? :< Some people may cheat, and some of those that cheat are genuinely sorry, and didn't always cheat (or atleast i like to believe that:<), so those few deserve the opportunity to prove themselves and maybe earn back the respect of some right?
Posted by hentaizZor4jixX on Wednesday 11th April 2007, 19:22
Anyone else dropped out other than danone? INFORM MEH PLIX <3
al7: kinda sick how everyone wants to "ask perfo" , its about time they started "asking al7" imho..
blah fuck that 34 euros from houten/utrecht->enschede
Having googled for a definition of ostracized, i (in a sense) do agree, but LAN is one of the few options players have to prove they're not cheaters, and is it fair to rid them of that? :< Some people may cheat, and some of those that cheat are genuinely sorry, and didn't always cheat (or atleast i like to believe that:<), so those few deserve the opportunity to prove themselves and maybe earn back the respect of some right?
We're talking players banned by CB here, not 'suspicious' people.