wesbo's mom and gyzr

wesbo's mom is gonna wait @ a'dam airport for gyzr to pick him up (no idea where wesbo will be himself :PP) and she'll have a board with ROBERT THE LEGENDARY AIMER on it! :D proper funny if u ask me =PP

so if u see someone with such a board it's wesbo's mom, give her a hug! :D see u all tomorrow (for those that will be around) at ze clubs! everyone come to the skihut! :D
I wanted to be aboard that shagmobile as well, but it's allready overbooked :(
Hahaha she a milf?
yo rbnt peunerrrrrrrrrrrrrr
:-D veel plezier in je huis. :X
remember to annoy perfo with "charlie the unicorn" thingie @ lan
i woke everyone up @ copenhagen by screaming WAKE UP SILLY SLEEPING HEADS
i know, he told me that you annoyed him with that, keep up the good work :D
Have fun in the car gyzr!
I love irony. :-)
gyzr: rbnt is a son of a bitch

we will see if its true!
Does wesbo's mum know she's wesbo's mum?
Considering the reservations of both the mQ & impact rooms are on my name I have to be there earlier than the others so they can enter their rooms. Robert deserves the legendary aimer from Denmark board to be honest!

Anyway we'll see how they'll get along =D
hoe ga jij nou daarheen dan? met de trein? ;O)
Nee mn pa brengt mij en es =D
gaat robert dan alleen met jouw ma? :-DD hoe laat komen impact enzo dan daar aan want ik ben ook al daar voor vijf uur
met auto ofzo en ja mn moeder alleen met robert ;D
aww arme robert :P krijg je van die lekker geforceerde gesprekken :D met gyzr zijn halve engels :D
Nee mn moeder spreekt lekker engels ;D
kan ze het niet filmen? :PP
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