ET @ my school

Heya as i saw the first and actually quite good games tomorrow start in the morning it came into my mind to watch the games at school...
well now the prob is, we do have internet in our class, but we are run over a proxy.
And i can use Inet, i surprisingly can also use msn but i cant play anything over internet...
you got an idea what i can do to connect over the proxy onto the ettv servers?
another fact is that beting on gtv doesnt make fun when you cant watch the games :<

plz gemme a solution if there is one....

Call your school, and tell them you can't coma because your sick.
Did you say no-lifer?
It's simple! Supposing your proxy is a SOCKS proxy, you just have to write a client-server system that converts the udp connection in a tcp connection, tunnels that over the proxy, and then it makes it back a udp connection. Unfortunetly, you have to have some programming skills to do that in one night... And I dont think you can find any program you could use to make it work without coding... I have tested the most usefull think I thought of (netcat) and it just doesn't work for ET...
ettv @ school kk
get a life imo!
always some kiddies talking that shit...
well i m just enjoying to watch the ettv matches at the biggest ET tournament of the year...
i m not an aktive player or sth...
and imo i got more life than you.... jtbh
dude, school is for learning, so get smart and dont watch ETTV @ school dumb
well basically i have the final exams on 7th may...
there is nothing anymore at school...
in the important subjects we train for it and nothing more...
especially friday is a day, where i have subjects like, economy, optics, n religion.... i have studied for 5 years now...
i think i know what i m doin
thx for you comment you "dumb"
Wish me luck because mine is on 20 april
see my school gavce me 5 negative points for adding my cast onto a game, u have a good school :|
:> well we installed some wlan access point in the room next to us...
our school is so shitty and old... only good thing is that they provide inet to all...
thats why there are no southcasts by you anymore? :<
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