cpc picture that i lold at
13 Apr 2007, 16:50
rly look at this one. !!!!
Is leparis picture edited btw, or does the camera just catch a wierd angle?
Or does he look like an alien irl
rly look at this one. !!!!
Is leparis picture edited btw, or does the camera just catch a wierd angle?
Or does he look like an alien irl
"from left to right: Hummel, Winghaven, Eddie, Sexyhot, Iron, Lepari"
omg, u guys are making me LOL irl
hopefulyl he doesn't look like this irl
seems like k1ck ?
he looks like majkel jaxxon
Btw why do iron and lepari look like they're in the 70's ?
i wanna pic of Mystic!!!
never lold this hard about a crossfire journal :D
btw, HumM3L is more fat than urtier :DDDD
gonna look for posts where he lold @ urtier :D
but i don't think lepari is gonna like this when he is reading this :<
Alien v Predator
Alien = lepari
Predator = humM3L cuz he looks like a russion hunter with a shotgun under his tshirt :x
EDIT: and perfo ofc cuz i wanna rofl irl
das de jetro da'k ken!
zegt genoeg?