It's kinda pointless to put these shit maps in a few ET LAN's. I want to see skilled teams playing on WORKING maps, not some random 2week(or 1 CB season) maps. Why is everyone trying to put them in LAN's? (I am not refering to zp vs zb match in any way, it's just a shit map which will dissapear in a few weeks)
:< bb money :<
and why is bramen played in every match?
Hate Adacore.
(but 1 > 0 imo)
At least I would play more relaxed.
I want to see zB and zP in the playoffs
sry for el jooP but vigorz are out for sure already right?
mesq = lan only
oder isses nur ne scheiss ausrede ?
man munkelt.
zP + merc = inet only