zP or one - who goes thru?

With zP losing to zero barrier they're currently in 3rd place in Group C and heading out of CPCII at the group stage!

However, if zero barrier beat one soldier tomorrow by 4 - 0 zP and one will be tied on points, games won / drawn / lost AND rounds for and against. You can't even take their result against each other as they drew 2 - 2 !!

So how is it decided (in this scenario) who finishes 2nd and who finishes 3rd?
tosspot is manager of zP, he'll find a way
second :(
2. one
i think zb and one will agree on a 2-2
zu schade butchji und gifty =(((((((
if vae wins vs mq there will be same situation with vae and FF
There'll be a decider match, same scenario in Group A if vae beat mQ.
"If"? It seems more like "when"...
what do u say if it already happened?
well... at the time it was round 2 map 2, so.. it hadn't yet happened :D
LE. Kitty almost pwned u.... "almost" ;))
one will beat zerobarrier imo. overboost looks sharp, and mAx is his usual pwnin self :P mesq does look good though
tosspot will do a cointoss.

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