etpro guid problem

Dear community,

I've once made a journal about this problem but I didn't get any usefull answers, so lets try again:

Around 1 month ago I bought a new PC, so it's pretty normal my etproguid has changed, because of the new hardware etc.

It changed into C6BB7544231D2A8874C0D962F4F12A9038D04F46.

But: Yesterday I had an official clanwar for CB, so I connected to the gameserver. The admin was checking the guids and everything was fine. After some minutes the other clan said my guid was incorrect, so the admin checked the etpro guids again, and my guid suddenly changed, into 9EDE757C17926D89EB4BD2C026A3B3AAA3B8DCE9.

Now, some days ago I was looking around at (which is down atm :() and I found out that somebody is using the same etpro guid as me, which is C6BB7544231D2A8874C0D962F4F12A9038D04F46. Maybe the etproguid changes when me and that guy with the same guid are playing at the same moment?

This is very irritating when it changes all the time + it brings many problems with officials @ CB...

Would be nice if the etpro-team could do something about it, or atleast help me further.

btw, I didn't use Hamachi or something like that or any other weird programs or guidspoofing things, I'm totally clean :)

gl with finding the answer
pff, who cares about guids =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
guidspoof to your old guid
u got a core2duo or another dual core cpu? then try to play et always on the same cpu (u can point ur game task in the taskmanager to the cpu it should use)
I'm pretty sure that admin was on the payroll, that's all xD
Yes Roodey, I got a big fat bag of nothing. Thou the bag is kinda nice, you know for your laundry and stuff... :D

But seriously, I checked the guids of the players who were on the server when I came there. They were all good. Some people were still reconnecting so I waited for you guys to settle down and checked all the guids again, they were still all good. And since he didn't leave the server, his guid changed during or right after the first round. And as it changed back to his old guid which was already on the guid history of his CB profile, I thought maybe an external hard drive disconnected or something like that. Anyways a really weird thing.
well if the match is started the opponent cant whine about it 0o
Actually no one was whining about it, they just wondered how can that happen. And that's the point of this journal too as far as I see it.
aah de zilleh!!
groete aan de geile eend e ,, juuw <3
dag schat =]
joat zenne :) behalve da mennen etproguid mottig doe ma da wiste al zeker :P
ge moet daar allemaal nie henne zien ; )
ik weet da gij nie cheat ; ) das toch genoeg : )
There was discussion about ETPro keys. You probably changed or plug-ed in USB something else or changed something. ETPro key is as something like MD5 hash if I'm not wrong.
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