wtf is up with the cpc match orga?

since almost two hours i m waitin for the matches @ cpc
but they always gettin delayed and delayed...
will they start today?
things were some kinda delayed because of the RTCW games.
ET will start in about half an hour
what went actually wrong with the rtcw games? what happened that there is like 4h delay :o
wieso carest du?
langeweile + is zu heiß draußen.
dann schreib mich doch an wenn dir langweilig ist! :'<
nö, du bist in letzter zeit so hurensoehnlich geworden wie so viele andere auch. muss am wetter liegen.
omg wie geil :DDDDD
naja sehr direkt :/
nur würd mich mal interessieren in wie fern alle hurensöhnlich geworden sind :D und wie wird man hurensöhnlicher?
vor allem was ich gemacht hab! ich bin doch total sweet und total nett! :(
agree. want to see some games plx. not that random boring cod crap.
but thx for playing ze wing movie!!!
oliver <3, i agree. In what ettv server ur going to watch impact vs polar? :D
would be nice to have atleast an official statement concerning the delays...atm the only thing we are able to see is that the matchtime changes from time to time without a reason given
nevertheless mostly great work
bad management , if games are delayed 4 hours then their is something seriously wrong in the schedule
nP .. its very warm in holland atm so
ET's first game will start at ~17.15-17.30
GL against kick!
pwn them plz
Impact afaik will now play at 18:00 cet, we are three and a half hours delay. Shit happens we'll get there eventually =)
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