Impact 4:2 Dignitas

Well played guys! discuss.
makes me happy that they canceled the bets
deserved :)
fucking exciting on frost :DD
i finally got on aswell splodge, w00p w00p.
So fucking nice!

team-dignitas 1.29 vs 4.43 Impact Gaming Total pot: 239594 €
Your bet: 5€ on Impact Won 22.15€
same here :))
same here :))
u are fuckin clever ;)
i bet something like 7euros ;o
I couldn't bet more than 5 € :D
i'm poor too @ gtv :(
gg with database xD
ET 6on6 hav server low

Your bet: 1000€ on Impact Won 4430.00€
was such a pleasure specing bremen

it's a nice map :p
definitely an intense match
they beat dignitas.funteam
Funny how both gamestv and ezbash reported it as a dignitas win before the game was even over. ^^

WP impact!
really nice ^^... dignitas fanboys ^^
idle funteam lost :<
wp impact
has to happen sometimes, your motivation is going lower if you are always winning for a year or so, even you want it or not.
and night is the reason number two...
pray the lord...
reload finnaly had his litle pressure
<3 impact gg
dignitas without Night suxx :<
they's get beaten by tlr, anyway :D

I was way off really, dignitas skill+teamplay is simply amazing
remove night and the team falls apart...
Dignitas without Night is still one of the ebst teams there is. Actually, it would be a lot better for ET if Night just quit ET.

Then you would've D., TLR and Impact all playing around the same level and you could never predict with certainity who would win.
sooo he should quit coz he's a great player?
I didn't say that. And I definitely don't want him to quit cos I like to spec him, but today showed that Dignitas without Night is equally skilled as Impact and TLR. So without Night, ET would be more pleasant to spec cos even I get bored seeing Dignitas win all the time.

But once again, this ain't whine or criticism upon Night or anyone else. Just stating a fact.
that cleared things up :) and i agree tbh, matches were very close. although i must confess, it did seem strange to see dignitas dead and respawning all 6 each spawn.. i'm used to seeing them selfkill only after eniolating the opposing team
We also felt that the average skill level in ET was too low therefore it would be necessary to raise that bar up"

"success!" "success!"

i think that we have a winner !

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