CDAP - Reunion

If you have heard some rumours about cdap lately, this should clear things up!

Ok, first is first: Cdap is still alive and fully opperative. Just to clear up any misunderstandings. What we at cdap are trying to do now, is find players with the proper spirit, skills and enthusiasm. We aim high, even though we had a set back, loosing Team Pi, and thats why we need good players to replace Team Pi.

Our goal is to diversity cdap, that is, have a professional gaming team, one which will participate in the EuroCup, and then a more of a fun team, which would consist of players not as skilled as the ones in the "professional" team.

These rumours about cdap collapsing is completely ludacris, I mean do you really think a team as successful as cdap, will collapse due to the loss of a few players? The answer is no.

So if you are interested and believe you have what it takes to work with cdap,
and become a part of a huge, successful and growing gaming organisation this might be your big chance. I personally have heard people making silly comments such as:

cdap being dead because they lost team pi, cdap being a fun team now etc etc...

The main goal with this post is to get rid of such ridiculous rumours, and promote its professional gaming team

and the growth of the organisation. We really are hoping to see some great people contact us with interests in joining us.

The team for the EC is a high skill team, so we need people with superior gaming skills as well as good team spirit, and as I mentioned before, enthusiasm.

So if u think you are qualyfied for cdap,

please contact Ruben at [email protected], also visit our website

Any further questions, contact ruben or jozz at their e-mail.
why you just dont take some good team in your mgc ?
First taking SoF and cdap to your "clan" (which it was at that time) and becoming step by step more professional, with a proper web page and an accepted name as an esports organisation.

Then parting ways with your most successful team, giving a "lost spirit of clan living" as a reason and a way "back to the roots" as new direction of cdap. polar eSports was the product of this decision it was the part of cdap which wanted to continue with becoming a professional esports team, as far as I know.

And now you announce that you are willing to support a skilled team again as if nothing changed? Are you changing your plans every three months? Some time ago your clan management seemed to be very satisfied with going "back to the roots".

Whats the reason now for you to come back? And why did you then split up with team pi in the first place?
cdap didnt start with sof...
cdap had a two man leading...
polar`wAyne was the big boss behind the organisation and he did a very good job. he started to support teams like oddjob and finally team pi...
due to some internal problems he decided to leave cdap and he founded polar esports....
but behind cdap there still is a good organisation with qualified guys.
so dont hesitate to contact them... chances are still good!
and GL to my old family!
About the parting ways with team.pi parting:

At this time when team.pi got recruited the cdap management was in the hands of 2 guys. jozz and wayne. At the beginning those 2 guys had the same dream; to get cdap more professional, and more succsessful.

We had an old cdap fun team, where the tbh lowskilled founders of cdap where playing in some low leagues.

In wayne´s eyes in a serious mgc theres no space for a funteam, next to a professional team. So the hearth of cdap didnt got the support wich they deserve.

We talked about the situation and thought we found a solution, and everything looked fine. But on the next day, i wont say he backstabbed us; he said he will leave and take team.pi with him. Cause back in the days it was his job to recuit teams, so we cried a sec cause we lost some great ppl. (execpt wayne) but at the end we said, that its a shame but ok, u recruited them, u can take them. imo a really noble and fair thing...

Yes we announce that we are willing to support a skilled team again!
No we are not changing our plans every months.
The reason for the comback? we were never gone, we just got backstabbed... but we are allive and hungry for ...

I hope u guys see now that the polar/cdap thing wasnt what it looked like...
i mailed you , mail back :D
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