My CPC 2 story

Hey there. I'm just back from CPC 2. I just wanted to say that it was a fucking great tournament. This lan was a way better than CPC 1, great work Adacore, Cash, TosspoT and the rest. The only bad thing was the delay, that was really demotivating (for us it was, don't know about the rest), it was a delay of 3 hours. But that isn't Adacore's or any admin's fault. Anyways, I'm glad we played some great matches and that we surprised some guys. We also reached our goal by winning the group. The best moment over all was winning zeroPoint, that feeling was just so fucking great!! I guess, allmost the whole LAN, came to us to shake hands and say wp guys, that was just great. Oh yeah, on a side note, If you really think that zerobarrier vs one soldier (which ended in a 2-2) was fixed, it really wasn't. I hope zP knows that. Losing bremen vs one soldier was expected tbh, they didn't drop a single round on bremen. Then we had to face Impact, we had a good feeling for that game. Impact took home the first map, radar. Then the map was Frostbite, since we are frost heroes, we took that map home. Decided had to be played, goldrush it was. We started fucking great, a super start like blaze always says, took the tank in one rush, had cp aswell etc, The bank gate was opened with 11 mins(?) left. Too bad we fucked up the bank attack otherwise we would have won this match. After that we had to face v&e, we lost that game with 2-4, which means we were kicked out of CPC 2. So we ended at 7-8. As I mentioned before, it was a great LAN. Was nice meeting new people, and playing there. I also wanna add, thanks for the great time dNzl, gL @ de flikken :D, he will quit ET. cYa at CPC 3 Hopefully. Pics will be uploaded soon btw.
he was even smaller than i thought he would be!

played well, ggs dude!
too long text
i think that no one cares about your story tbh
Recent journals:

I'am BACK!

You obviously know what's interesting and what's not
sense of humor, smth that u don't have
mesq ! :) you want some beef ?!
wp mesq =)
MJA! agreed EMO's are shit.
Hope you had fun mesQi <3
np: Ensiferum - Lady in Black "One More Magic Potion (CDS)"
token of time :O
this one is teh bestest
well played mate !
i care, i read it :) ggs c u @ cpc3
i don't even want to flame :|

waiting for pics
daar drinken we een sappie op!
Add describtions to your pics pls.
wb mesq mooi gespeeld (y)
wp played zerobarrier
good job beating zP

lol Snuble called me yesterday at like 10 and asked where blaze was :S
haha, at one point, blaze was infront of me, and like 10 steps to the left, there was snuble, he took his phone to call somebody, then I hear a gsm sound, it was blaze's gsm, it was snuble, he asked where the fuck are you? he just had to turn around and then he would see blasse :D
Lol i think he was more drunk than me
My friends wondered who called me :P
"some drunk norweigan guy who was totally confused"
hope you had lots of fun mesQi
you are better on lan than online :D
hehe, I had like the best time of my ET carrier there, was a fucking nice time with zerobarrier and with the rest aswell ofcourse. ye, even if I say it myself, I played very well, I guess it's because of the pc's, my pc is rather shit here :P. thx btw :)
hope there will be a cpc3
I wanna play on a decent computer aswell :<
no lag owns anyway, on shg the hitboxes were great, except my fps lag

LAN owns
zerobarrier gave an impressive performance, gratz :)
Wp man. You stole my shoes btw. =8X
nce to read! ;/
gogo belgie :)
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