sexyhot @ cpcII

hi guys. i just arrived at home ( portugal ) and i can say i had much fun there. every1 was nice, i changed my opinion about a lot of guys and wtf.. this lan was much more than playing, 6 houses all near each other with 15 gays/girls in each house. so u can guess.. every1 fucking drunk all fucking time.

<3 aux zerobarrier aeq zP wsbo+kitty+irz+levz :) ofc vila and loekino, faky asd dunno

now flame me.
ahaha u are too gay!

Paneleiro pa... andaste a comer os Aux bebados ne? jajaja

ollololo achas?.. fds.. aquilo e lindo. sai as noites todas.. ate joguei com cervejas em cima lol :D hi polar :P
Ahahaha.. era perto de tudo? ou tavas bue longe da night etc? o ppl é fixe? aquele maus.... xD gamaste le a cfg?

btw jogaste mt bem ;) tive te a ver em alguns jogos.. e sem duvida o melhor jogador dos Aux... o resto é inet only
pa tinhamos q ir de taxi.. um cadito longe. mas ainda gamamos umas bicicletas com peneu furado olollo! :P a cfg do maus n era nd de especial. ya rulou :)
ahahahah true!!
I still regret that I couldnt make it ;(
Sexyhot got some really nice dancing moves ;))))
fuck off sexyhot
Welcome home!
it was not .. wtff! plss
sexy pls be honest we busted you!!! :D and btw was rly nice to talk with you and make shit :D and next time i will wake you again up at 7 o clock :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
<3 :)

sexyhot = wet dreams

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