razer copperhead :<


just came back from cpc, wanted to install my mouse again.. razer copperhead.
it worked, i wanted to install the drivers again (rebooted), and then it just suddenly didnt work anymore.
somebody also had this prob before / know how to fix it?

edit: the mouse works @ alvo's pc :/
try a system restore and change your usb rate of the mouse
that muis zuigt IMO[/i][/u]
ololololollo now worm will suck with his new mouse and i will suck coz i havent toucht computer for 5 days :( and we ALL GONNA SUCK :(.

(I hope not)
haal hem eruit en stop hem erop nieuw in, als je copperhead op andere usb port doet waar die zat werkt ie ook niet is bekend. Er zijn ook net nieuwe drivers en firmware die dat probleem bijvoorbeeld oplossen flashen dus.


get a logitech
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