yes.. another cpc zjournal

here is my review from zee past 4 days i hope i still remember everything

Day 1 Thursday:

I went with the train to Enschede Drienerlo to meet Poland Fasolka first and i think i was there around 11:00 they we where sitting in the restaurant "Broodje Puntmuts?" at the station, after talking a while we tried to find the cabins luckly my super brains still remembered the picture of how to walk to there so we found it pretty fast, after sitting there infront of the houses around 15:00 the first people showed up i think it where almost all the Belgium belgjes some of them introduced themselfs but i also heard someone saying "What? is that loekino" and then i never really heard of them.
later more people came and more and more and more and more and now i dont really remember much but i went to Anonymous Hummel to pay and stuff, there where only a few people there like fireball and Munchies? and their manager and of course Germany faky we just talked there for some hours i think.
later we went to the lan place to see whats there and what you could do there and the best part was that there was a bar in the middle, so i was pretty drunk already when it was really early and i was talking with Sweden arne about his fragmovie from KiH and i asked leonnekes name for 40 times, i think frop was there also and some others.
when i walked back to the cabins i saw the almighty Sweden Blaze there and i was talking some random bullshit to him he gave me some beer and then i lost it, i remember when i was walking back to my house i walked into the wrong house, the house from Belgium Denzel but i dont know who was there so i just walked out again finally i came back to my own house and then i fell insleep.

Day 2 Friday
I woke up at 7:00 and i had a hangover so i was getting some water to drink in the morning, i had pretty much water so my hangover was almost gone, i walked to the lan centre with Germanyfaky and Portugalsexyhot and there i don't remember much ~_~ only little details, in the cinestar self they had such nice sofa's and seat's in the lan center there where only 2 tv's and 1 projector where you could see the matches of United Kingdomtosspot shoutcasted at least, i think they needed a bigger space for the people to watch and sit because the bar was way to small for that and around it there where only shit chairs imo, after some drinks, after some talking we went back to the cabins and here we drinked some Poland Polish vodka but not to much here i went to bed early because i was still kinda broken from the night before but the problem was i couldnt sleep because of some things and then it was 6:00 and i walked downstairs where aux and vigorz where almost all awake and i took a shower, the showers where oke there only it was kinda small after i went to bed again but didnt rly sleep.

Day 3 Saturday
when i went out of bed i saw much people where gone already but then with my covert ops skills i spotted Estoniaasd and Swedeneddie so i went to them to the store called "Coop" to get some food, outside there where some people with retarded music but the sun was shining and it was really NAIIIIIIIIZZZZ
when we went back Sweden blaze Portugal sexyhot United Kingdom sheep Finland decem with some other finlanderer i think it was lepari vegi and Germany CuttyP
but Belgium CRACK called me and said they where there, so i walked with some people from that group to the cinema to meet them, then i saw them the leet aBx people crack, niels, booya and of course jiminiii, we had some drinks with them and i was almost dying because of the not sleeping, we went to some restaurant with them and me and maikel made a big chaos out of it when we blew some sugar powder? all over the table, and later maikel threw cucumber in my beer and i tried to stop him so i hitted the beer and it fell all over the table, but the food was really nice there.
we went back to spec people playing, later we went back to the cabins to have some fun there and then we talked with octense clan and we where all annoying them and talking some bullshit and later tala came to me like "psssst loekino, they want you away but they dont want to say it" so it made me quite happy and in the mood to be even more irritating and then viax came to me and was like "Loekino, shut up" he walked away and me was laik, mkay..... but we just went back to the houses and i went to bed because i was fuxxord up again. and ofc i didnt sleep much :(

Day 4 Sunday
Already the last day :(
i woke up maikel.. who was sleeping in blaze bed :S (h3h3) and then fireball whined to us that we had to "go outside" so we went there talked some and then we walked really slow to the cinestar and it was quite boring to spec some matches if i can be honest, some matches where nice to see th00, then for the finals we needed some strange paper where you had to write your name on, in the cinema it was pretty nice and i almost fell insleep, we stole some posters from qpad from the wall >:D so now i have the white and black posted but i still need to find a place to put it, after the finals we went back to the cabins again but i was so damn tired that i was going home already around 21:00 or later.

overall it was a really great LAN i had so much fun there it was really nice to meet all peoples in real life instead of online only \o/

i left out pretty much details because else it was a to long story, i met so many peoples and i did so much ^^

did you know..
Tosspot is bigger then i expected
darky was really sexy
mesq can run pretty fast
overdrive logged in on my account at davids pc so i think much people ripped my pass now
much people called me a spammer when i introduced myself
in real life everyone was way nicer then i expected
fireball gave keran a zidane but i dont know why
blaze was sleeping in my bed the first day and i heard lotix was in it too o_O
dunnos alarm is annoying "ring ring ring, riiiiiihehhihihring ring ring"
fakys alarm clock was annoying also
that hummel was to heavy for a bike and crashed it
and that it was vigors + auxilia who blocked the house from xf admins >:D
that snuble was nervous around me (>:D)
they had such nice sofa's :‘(
atarax was a geile bakkes

and sorry for some people who i annoyed or when i was wasted <o/

shoutouts to
fasolka, sexyhot, irz, blaze, asd, faky, dunno, atarax, zwitter, overdrive, maikel, even levz, arne, eddie, hummel, ronner, unblind, qraigu, rafiki, crack, jimini, booya, niels, tala and all the other people i talked with and for sure i forgot some people but i love you all ;/

waiting for cpc3 \o/
wow thats long

do my math project and i will read it =(

>> x0=0.7
x0 =
>> h=10.^-(1:10)
h =
Columns 1 through 3
0.10000000000000 0.01000000000000 0.00100000000000
Columns 4 through 6
0.00010000000000 0.00001000000000 0.00000100000000
Columns 7 through 9
0.00000010000000 0.00000001000000 0.00000000100000
Column 10
>> df=(log(x0+h)-log(x0-h))./(2*h)
df =
Columns 1 through 3
1.43841036225890 1.42866862220280 1.42857240038990
Columns 4 through 6
1.42857143828945 1.42857142866326 1.42857142859665
Columns 7 through 9
1.42857142781949 1.42857143614616 1.42857137230834
Column 10
that hummel was to heavy for a bike and crashed it
it was my bike!!!! :<<<
oki, do it for
a) f(x) = sqrt(x), x0=1
b) f(x)=x^2 , x0=2
c) f(x)= lnx, x0 = 1


you just need and you are off!
spamkonijn :<
mesq can run pretty fast

why every ppl says mesq is hyperactive? :DDD
:P. Hehe, I'll tell the story. Lio took some hair sprays with him, green and white, normaly we were gonna spray our hair, but we didn't do it. So at saturday evening lio took them out of his bag and sprayed my hair white :[, so I took it from him and sprayed ziff's hair white, then he took it from me and I ran away, I ran out of the bungalow and ziff followed me, so I ran for my life being chased by ziff in front of everyone :P. And about 15 mins later, the same shit but then it was with lio :D
"fireball gave keran a zidane but i dont know why"

good to see you having fun :P
nice story!

I could have come friday night, but I didn't, because you guys slept another place then the place where the gamers play + I think most people would be away @ night. It would be passed 00:30 b4 I would be there and the next day I would have been at work again 14:00.So instead I visited non gaming related friends and got just as wasted as you guys were :)

Waiting for NxM's story + more pics btw :)
I'm shy irl!!! :< see you at cpc3 MaYbE
it was nice !!!
cu @ cpc 3

ye and with names on them lol
did you know ...

- loekino is also a spammer irl ? he never once stopped talking !
I said the same to him :(
we talked with octense clan and we where all annoying them and talking some bullshit and later tala came to me like "psssst loekino, they want you away but they dont want to say it" so it made me quite happy and in the mood to be even more irritating and then viax came to me and was like "Loekino, shut up" he walked away and me was laik, mkay.....

loekino is annoying also offline!
i was dying, really ;D
I got the same feeling many times a day when Im reading his comments but today Ive actually smiled for two jokes of his, Im suprised, I thought that would never happen :O
lol true :D
I dunno if I was in ur bed but when I went up to go to my bed u were in it :/ AND WITH MY PILLOW
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