Wes @ CPC 2!

Well everyone is writing a journal about it so why shouldn't I write one too!

On thursday I left together with my mom (parents were staying near the LAN so they could bring us to Enschede and back to home). We picked up Esther (Kitty) at her place around half past 4. We had to endure three major traffic jams and when we had finally arrived it was around 8 pm already! I checked us in and was amazed about the great hotel we were staying. We called up Arjan (spho) and he picked us up together with ruben (joop) & niek (rocky). We went to the cinema and saw some games being played. We met up with paul (evo) and the rest of impact and showed them the way to the hotel (it was hidden in the woods ;D). After we were all checked in we went something to drink and later on went out to Lunatic (no not the player). It was really funny to see so many gamers on one place =) especially when Jeroen (teKoa) started to get drunk and started dancing more and more. Awesome night.

On friday morning we all had a really hard time waking up and getting ready to play our first match against FF. As expected we lost the match against them, but it was unexpected the guys were so damn nice. Nothing against FF on internet they're nice too but maybe its just a prejudged opinion of me (hate laggers) and thats why I disliked them. Wiesiek actually helped us setting our razer drivers which was really nice of him. Rest of the day we just hung around untill we had to play v&e. After that we went to our hotel and because no one went out we didnt either. We just sat there and drank some beers with the impact & kih guys. Was a fun day too.

On saturday there was no rush for us we didn't have to wake up early and we didn't. Woke up around half past 12 and went for a quick swim. We went to the LAN around 3 or 4 I think and just stayed there till 9 or something to go back and change cloths. After that we went to Auxilia's place to drink something and go out. When we went out we found some CoD2 players that were still wearing their Qpad sponsored t-shirts... I mean c'mon -_- at least change your cloths! Anyway it was a lot of fun especially when we got home and found out all the doors were locked. We had to wake people up to open the doors outside for us and went to bed around 6.

On sunday morning we had to check out @ 11 so we had to hurry with packing our bags (especially esther I mean obviously you need 27 different outfits to wear for one weekend). My parents dropped us off at CineStar and we went to see some of the play offs games untill Potter asked us to go karting. That was lotsa fun especially ignoring the blue flags was fun (or not Ronner?). We saw how impact beat dignitas by winning frost in 3:41 and beating them on radar. I can't really remember the final because I was really sleepy and the cinema seats were really comfortable! Congrats to TLR I already predicted you were going to win :).

This is all a really boring story and I think you had to be there to enjoy this story. So much memories :) I can't express all of them. I will now name some guys I really enjoyed meeting but I'm pretty sure I will forget half of the people I met and talked to so to those people I'm sorry! Firstly my own team =) berend niek luc & arjan you guys were great. I had a lot of fun with the guys from auxilia =) snuble (nice hitting on esther btw) sexyhot fireball hummel eddie blaze! The impact guys were really nice, not arrogant or whatsoever. I really enjoyed it when tiigeri came in our appartement on sunday morning screaming "tekoa tekoa where are you?! Where is tekoa!?" and we had to respond with "Maybe in his appartement next door?". Paul you probably are one of the best personses I've met! You're such an ace guy! Of course I haven't forgotten about irZ & fasolka you're lovely girls =) (Kipfilet) ! Oh wait I forgot all about Robert (gyzr) I hope you had fun with my dad in the car :d! It was awesome to finally meet you in real life after knowing you for 3 years (or more?). Seeing ruben again was great and well like I've said before I would forget half of the names... Again so much memories and so little time to write this journal.. :) I would like to thank Toss, Ada & cash and every other admin for running this event it was great!

I'm not sure how the others think but when I went home I felt a bit depressed. It was like I went on holiday for three weeks and I met a lot of nice guys and now I have to go home and I will probably not see some of them ever again. Well to those guys I want to say I enjoyed the time we spend and I will treasure the memories (Oh noes I'm so emo).
n1 wes too long to read hwoheoehoeheoe
add Flags!
I didn't add flags on purpose because I feel like sometimes the nationality @ crossfire means a lot. If you're Dutch you have Dutch friends but @ CPC everyone was a like. We all had a common goal -> to have a lot of fun. We all had the same hobby and came there to enjoy it! So no flags I'm afraid =(
crossfire is a new nation? :D
Crossfire 3.0 RSS Feeds
A Dutch Gaming Community
Concept and Management by Stuart "TosspoT" Saw, Coding and Maintenance by Jeroen "taLa" De Ridder.
All times are GMT +1:00 hour - Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
maybe i m just havent refreshed this page yet xD
QuoteWhen we went out we found some CoD2 players that were still wearing their Qpad sponsored t-shirts.

yeah, come on. if you are going to a lan IRL you should at least pretend to be no gamer! omfg, how nerdy these guys must have been!
It was more the fact that they had been at the LAN all day (sweating like hell) and still wearing the same t-shirts :). Also going out in casual cloths is a better way to pick up girls, but hey maybe you bring your mouse & keyboard to the club?
i do, i usually show girls my uber micro
Would love to be there !
nice reading tba
wtf everyone gets swiss :<
duuuh first i liked ireland now i like swiss<3
its so peace ful there aaah the mountains fuck holland, and i dont like weed at all o0
yes indeed, rox to be here :D
see u this summer @ swiss, i go be bike:D now i am off bio and eating icecream because its damn hot here, walking in my short:)XDDDDDDDD
hot here too :d
cu @ switzerland
gonna add u to my boddy u will be my mister guid
Mooie vriendin heb je wesbo :)
wtf everyone gets swiss :<
That gay kruml copied mine :<
Quote by krumlduuuh first i liked ireland now i like swiss<3
its so peace ful there aaah the mountains fuck holland, and i dont like weed at all o0

jij begon ik had hem al 4 dagen geleden:D:D:D
gooood story wesbo <333333333333333333333333333333333333 i wish i could have been to to see u, and hit on kitty and what not.
haha good reading
only thing missing: no story telling with wesbo :<
n1 reading :o)
hehe was nice to meet you and es and a lot of other people, i'll do a mass journal when i get home and catch up on some sleep =)
nice not mentioning me , plz!
gozer weet je hoeveel ik dan moet opnoemen :c
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