Arachon LAN-only

So it is very niiiiiiiice to make journals about LAN-experiences 'n stuff; I thought I give it a go :)

It was such a nice thing, that there were so many players gathered at one place to sleep and party; although some ego-quited and went out to the town.
The cabins only had beds and that was it, so it was rather primative, but nevertheless I think that everyone had huge fun there. A nice surprise was the quality of the 7 showers, which was pretty good and very nice and warm :)

Venue and WZZRD
The venue was very nice, having 3 restaurants and a bar besides the WZZRD gaming centre; being able to watch the ET grand final in one of the cinemas, was such a great experience.
The newly opened WZZRD gaming center was also a good experience, but there were some negative things about it; the fact that you could buy beer at the bar was such a nice thing, the negative thing is that the heat was at times so unbearable in the centre. The same goes for the room/space, at times it was very hard to move around inside WZZRD.

Our own matches went pretty much as expected, I had hoped to beat OCTENse and k1ck though, since I personally felt that we were better (and equal to k1ck); we sucked on supply (most loathed map by the team) and bremen (played it once before the LAN).
The rest of the competition, well... what an upsetting LAN tbh.
- zeroPoint was booted by zeroBarrier.
- TLR and Impact booting dignitas.
Some of the most impressing aiming and skills shown by maus, doktor and Winghaven, they made it so clear that TLR was deserving to win this competition; maus really made some shit that would make you accuse him of cheating at the LAN.

I could go on and on, but I am kind tired of writing at the moment, so I am just going to end of with the link to my photo album from the event.

- Arachon's CPC album
thx2u :)
Nice one Ara <o/
was nice to see u again :p
image: CPC2-2-070003%7E0

are u up f0r s3xest ch4t?/?/?/?/?/?/?

Funny story about those pictures :D
tzhe whole weekend was sooo funny.
like galahad saying something in estonian on friday night and hit himself after that.
Hahahahahah :D

So many things yeah :)
His story was very nice. xDDD
Hahahahaha... and the word wasn't even funny :D
he looks like he was falling down
finally someone with commented picture galery!...

n1 :) LOL @ chelsea sucks balls pic :)
Nice pic, with at least name :)
For people about commenting about the pictures. In case you didn't know, you can log in on that page with your crossfire login and write comments to the pictures :)
I enjoyed a few Lot of beers with you mate, nice chats too :)
Yeah, nice offline skills! :)

Was nice meeting you, like so many others.
Nice pics, was fun meeting you again!
Funniest moment was probably when HerbaL started impersonating TosspoT and trying to shoutcast one.soldier vs zero barrier, then just drinking the whole beer in one go, while on the live stream. :P
That was indeed very very funny, also that people were cheering for Herbal while he was drinking it :D
pure genius i nearly pissed myself!
Didn't know you were even there. :D
u were busy playing i was drinking with maverick888 :)
hitsounds only :P *cough*
There will be a test-cup, I got some other settings as well :)
hahaha :D unexpected, gl with it :p
keep on drinking!
Someone plz employ an on-site barber for CPCIII, some of those guys need help.
Arachon was a really nice guy, socializing with everyone. Excellent company for a LAN.
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