guid changed, how?

well guys ive just noticed that my etpro guid has changed.. was like wtf?

i didnt do anything with my hardware... hows that possible? O_o

and no i also havent tried out any cheats, spoofers or what ever... so dont come up with "omg om gomg hax" and so on :<
not possible d00d!
dunno, mine does that every 6 months, it changes to something else, stays like that for 1 month, then goes back to original one...

also without adding any hardware or changing anything else
Guids chang randomly sometimes, very rarely though and it only happens to some people.i have the same guid as 6 other players i think ! and all their guids has changed too. strange rly
omg om gomg hax
Same problem here m8... Only mine changes sometimes during a match without reconnecting or something... :<
DEINSTALL HAMACHI (if u have it installed.)
hamachi effects this ? i recently installed hamachi and i think it was around the time when my guid changed to the same one as rqmbo
yep last week i played a few games c&c3 over hamachi, after that i started ET and "TADAAAA" my ETPRO guid changed, i disconnected and deinstalled hamachi!

After Deinstalling of hamachi u will get your old etpro guid back!
Well I had the same GUID for 3 years but not it suddenly changed for no reason. I don't have hamachi installed and i didn't change hardware either. The only thing I changed in last 2 weeks is my mouse, but it's impossible that this would fuck up my GUID since it changed 4 days before i bought the mouse ^^
had the same problem sometimes, dunno what happened :O
format would b a solution... :/
ask scorch
delete hax
ask perfo
omg om gomg hax and so on
That's some weird sh*t. I reformatted today and my GUID is correct now :x
I heard a lot of guids changed the last 48 hours. Perhaps its cuz of ppl reconnecting their mouse/keyboard to different usb ports?

I had the same btw.
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