Dignitas OUWE

Once again

without night the are nothing
3rd place @ cpc2 gg but nothing without Night..

I think discussion of this subject already came, was and went. You are a bit late my friend.
im not :<
yea very old!
hey was jij die gozer die mij een smsje stuurde :D
ik had er een van een onbekend nummr gekregen maar hij leek op eentje uit de tijd van fubar :d
dat was ik niet :o
oh dan was het iemand anders :D
Ireland sol played good!
idd <3 sol
ach ga toch wegrennen....
omg gekke gerrit sayow :D
Sucks that people are overlooking an awesome performance by TLR and claiming the only reason they won was that Night was missing.

Not denying for a second that he is a huge loss to any team, but credit where it is due - mAus played some of the best stuff I have seen from any player in any competition and Winghaven seemed to rise to the occasion and deliver some perfectly timed airstrikes that couldn't be defended against, regardless of the team/player.

I personally think it's great that the outcome of an event such as CPC isn't a sure thing and can only motivate other teams to try and match TLR's success.
Yeah what he said :>
Night is dignitas keyplayer, just like maus in TLR.
nowhere near the same, maUs is a go alone rambo most of the time and night is a allround spammer.
lol'd hard, for you a key player come after 2 weeks in the team ? :x

maus is nothing except a skilled rambo and night is just the best player of this boring game ...
and mAus is one of the best aimers of this boring game?
but for sure, not the keyplayer of tlr
The easier your opponent, the easier it is to do "amazing". I think if they had been facing dignitas at it's full potential you would not be saying as much. :)
I wouldn't call any of the players that attended the LAN easy opponents really.

Almost every team that attended are considered to be the top teams currently playing.
you have to understand that Night is not only great player, with his important frags he sometimes may change way of match, yeah but thats not all about him. For his team the most important thing is that he is captain. So with his predictions of enemies movements and big experience and stuff he is leading the team in different way that any other players. With him, mouse and wing wouldnt have even chance to do their multifrags and support fires.

Yes TLR played brilliantly, and even impact were very good. So if not dignitas, then it must have been TLR who got the gold. But remember that TLR didnt just mown down d. It was 4:2 and It could go any way tbh. And what would have happend if there was someone else in d. lineup?:P

About d.'s second match vs impact. they lost it and i think they did it because they were angry after loss against TLR. Just check PGA qualifiers. same story - lost to zP, then playing very bad against cdap.

(ofc i may be wrong about that :D)
QuoteWith him, mouse and wing wouldnt have even chance to do their multifrags and support fires.

Exactly! At least, to a much smaller extent.
QuoteWith him, mouse and wing wouldnt have even chance to do their multifrags and support fires.

Wing's strength IMO comes from his unpredictability, so I dunno if Night could have anticipated what he was going to do! The likes of urtier and sol aren't exactly lacking in experience, but they couldn't.

Speculation is useless as we'll never really know what could/would have happened, but TLR were undoubtedly the best team throughout the tournament and deserved their win 100%.

I feel that if they played as they did during CPC then they would have been more than a match for any team currently playing, with or without their main players :)
dignitas on backpath
we can blame irish trash sol, np.
they are nothing???

Man, 3rd place on the best ET LAN is nothing?

You, sir, are retard
perhaps they would have been a bit better with night.. but still TLR played strong and deserved the victory..
impact was also better.
havent seen much a difference between tlr and i.
kiss more ass please
more retardness plz
ok brown noser
ok. and now fuck off.
tlr didnt lose with dignitas 0:4 like impact?:D
TLR's victory over Impact in the final was clearer than Impact's victory over Dignitas. The ET-Masters final was really close and tense though. :O)
I blame the tiredness of our squad in the final! we had to play from 9am to 3pm or smt with 5hours of sleep!
Battery was really close indeed !
what a bullshit
not rly :S
its a bad excuse
but its fact that they are not that good without night?.
so u want 2 tell me that every player in this team is low (thinking,shooting,etc) without night, nice team =DDD. The fact is that they lost against a team who is better then them.
rofl u said that omg xDDD, i just said they are not that good(reading skills) , no but hes their ingame leader and ofc its not easy to replace him. but ye at lan they played better than them, true.
ET is becoming interesting again, isn't it ;) ?
This night thing is overrated.
your kisses are overrated
omg sayow!!!!!111 fake+ban
3rd place @ cpc is more than nothing :o
We will have to wait when the full lineup dignitas plays against the full lineup of TLR....
Night played with them for years, but now not, and this created a new situation. Maybe it isn't so easy to replace him. Maybe they need some more time...
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