The hosts are :


Croatia Hungary

Poland Ukraine

The host will be known tommorow about 11 cet.

Hosting this great event ( 3rd biggest sport event in the world) would have the most impact on Croatia/Hungary. It would improve the leagus, stadiums would finally be finished. But the favorites are the gay Italy

Your opinions?
ban italians! go croatia
it will never be italy, look at their crowd/police violence

poland/ukraine would be nice
the host was suppose to be announced 5 months ago when the crims in Italy were starting to be revealed. Why do you think it was delayed?
i didn't know that, anyway it's not like whos gonna host the euros is edge of your seat stuff..
There's a lot of right wing football violence in Poland.
croatia is nice too, ive been there! :p
Go italy
I bet on croatia/hungary and think it would be the best selection. It would be just laughable if they would pick up Italy.
i pray its not italy
sincerely hope croatia won't get it...
Ajde mi molim te objasni zasto
zato sto ce se potrosit hrpa love na obnovu stadiona i ostalih ustanova i onda kad EP prodje, sve ce to zjapit prazno i propadat kao i sto sve ostalo kod nas propada i opet ce se trosit jos vise novca na odrzavanje praznih stadiona itd.
samo pogledaj sto se dogadja sa gradnjom dvorana za rukometno SP

mislim realno, kolko je kod nas prosjek gledatelja po utakmici?

kad bolje pogledas, onda ce se i hoteli obnavljat i poboljsavat samo za EP, i opet kad prodje bit ce prazni radi cijena koje ce svi nabit....istina da bi nam dobro doslo radi turizma i novih radnih mjesta, i iso bi na svaku jebenu tekmu na koju bi mogo, al dugorocno ne vjerujem u iskoristivost svega toga...


P.S: ak ce maksimir stvarno onak izgledat, dam si odsjec susjedinu lijevu nogu
I hope Italy won't have it :|

The 2 others are nice =)
I hope italy will have it!
Hungary ME & Croatia U will organise it so np for us!
Let it be Italy, only country, of that list, which can supply proper fields etc, and like you dont have football violence in poland. i had to laugh, maybe in Italy it was pretty bad with a dad police officer(?) but in poland they also know how to fight =/.

But first 2008, in 2 weeks i might 'get' my tickets !:"D
If we win, and I'm sure we will, I will be as drunk as never tomorrow!
Italy ! Italy ! Italy ! Italy !
italy please.
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