17 Apr 2007, 14:24
The hosts are :
The host will be known tommorow about 11 cet.
Hosting this great event ( 3rd biggest sport event in the world) would have the most impact on /. It would improve the leagus, stadiums would finally be finished. But the favorites are the gay
Your opinions?
The host will be known tommorow about 11 cet.
Hosting this great event ( 3rd biggest sport event in the world) would have the most impact on /. It would improve the leagus, stadiums would finally be finished. But the favorites are the gay
Your opinions?
poland/ukraine would be nice
samo pogledaj sto se dogadja sa gradnjom dvorana za rukometno SP
mislim realno, kolko je kod nas prosjek gledatelja po utakmici?
kad bolje pogledas, onda ce se i hoteli obnavljat i poboljsavat samo za EP, i opet kad prodje bit ce prazni radi cijena koje ce svi nabit....istina da bi nam dobro doslo radi turizma i novih radnih mjesta, i iso bi na svaku jebenu tekmu na koju bi mogo, al dugorocno ne vjerujem u iskoristivost svega toga...
P.S: ak ce maksimir stvarno onak izgledat, dam si odsjec susjedinu lijevu nogu
The 2 others are nice =)
But first 2008, in 2 weeks i might 'get' my tickets !:"D