back from teh cpc2

was fun weekend. Nice to meet up with some of the people from CPC1 and SHGOpen, and nice to see some new faces too.

The last morning was fun with Leon being owned by some 70 year old dutch woman. (Nice bag stealing skills)

Then TosspoT had to rent a car and we had a mad road trip across holland, guided by our good friend TomTom the sat nav! Driving on the wrong side of the car on the wrong side of the raod was exciting, and every roundabout an adventure. Driving over there is like playing ET with inverted mouse and someone elses config. Nothing does what its supposed to do, and none of the buttons are binded where you want them. Still I managed not to team-damage any cyclists, and only Adacores blood pressure and TosspoTs credit card came off worse for wear.

Some great games, and some great casts. Was nice to be in the crowd when winghaven landed his airstike, plus many other great moments. Was cool also to see ET in a cinema, even if it was only the finals.

Any mystic fanbois want to buy this from me?
image: mystic%20autograph

Photos here....
Welcome back!
I can't even read what's on there :P
I can only see "mystic"
Juha "mystic" Porvali
nice written, i had to laugh tbh :-D
lOL mystic autograph
Really glad that you had a late plane on monday aswell :D.
QuoteThe last morning was fun with Leon being owned by some 70 year old dutch woman. (Nice bag stealing skills)

uhh yeh, that was fun...
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :(
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