lag pc

wtf pc lagging like Netherlandsh3ll :((((((((

anyone who can help me? :(

image: lagpc
foxx ommok pufta!!
quit all progs u dont use!
i dont c any prog using much cpu tbh
had the same yesterday but with another process
system idle process is supposed to take up that much % if you aint doing much. Must be mspaint putting the strain on you cpu.
vaggi / waki ?
im getting 30fps @ ET
normally i get about 200+
ofc with your cpu ^^
quit all unnecessary programs like msn / maybe you have xfire running? or programs like antivirus and stuff?
Watch my proces list, there is no program using any cpu
check processes and if u see something what is rly big try to search wtf is it... maybe a worm or something... dont close system processes lol
already did
than try to run a reliable virus scanner
remove system idle process :D:D
fake SS
Since you said that there were no programs using a lot of your CPU I think that you have some kind of virus/spyware. I suggest you run a virus/spyware scan. If that doesn't work you're forced to format :D
waar kan je dat bekijken?
tabje performance @ ctrl+alt+delete
i rebooted 20 times and tried some things,

problem solved
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