eVo CPC2 Review

image: Impact


the Finland fins got to Bremen and went out and got totally trashed. Tiigeri notes that Germany German women dont seem to like him and he did not get lucky :D
Ireland mthd, England Sheep and i set off to london stansted at like midnight, stopping off on the way to sleep for an hour.

Thursday: Arrived at stansted and caught the flight to bremen, so excited at being in bremen we totally exited the main part of the airport without our luggage ^^ thankfully they let us back through to get them. Picked up our fun bus from Avis, tried to get the sat nav to work but the thing failed us miserably. Stopped some random german in an attempt to find the fins and said:
[insert dodgy german accent] sprecken ze english? (ignore terrible spelling)
German random: yes a little
eVo: could you tell us the way to the train station?
German random at this point proceeded to tell us the way to the train station except in german.
lol at this point you could just imagine Estonia Reload saying "so nice"

Heading across the river we managed to navigate to the train station and find the fins. From there it was onto enschede. getting to Enschede was no problem. Not killing one of the million fucking cyclists that seem to just drive randomly across roads in enschede was another thing. I mean rly the place is insance, people on push bikes everywhere, and if they aint on push bikes its old age pensioners on 500cc granny bikes pushing 40kph.. rly plz :D

Eventually we managed to find the driver learning center where some nice learner driver had her driving lesson driving to the cinestar with us following :D

We then got to meet Netherlands Cash and co who were very friendly before promptly telling us to piss off cause we were early :D:D

We then went to the town center and checked out a bar and admired the many fine looking dutch women and planned to come back here in the evening. Fast forward a few hours to us checking into our apartments which btw was absolutely awesome. The hotel had everything we needed tbh. We then met all the dutchies, Netherlands Wesbo, kitty and co before tek, azzor and milk turned up. The next few hours were a blur but i can remember the following:
-meeting rbnt and some others
-going into the town
-getting wasted
-gaso tiigeri and i doing some down it in one shots and drinks
-kitty totally getting hit on by snuble whilst wesbo looked over not too amused :D
-teKoa showing off his dance moves
-Tiigeri again failing to pull despite some good moves on some nice women :D
-catching a taxi home with some insane taxi driver who thinks its funny to race the other cabs :D

Friday started our cpc2 tournament, all suffering massive hangovers, all very nervous and only getting to play 1 game against auxilia. Friday in retrospect was kinda a slow day but it was rly nice to get to meet everyone. England Adacore was doing a superb job organising things along with Netherlands Cash. Germany Arni and the gtv crew were nice to meet. England Nellie was much smaller than i expected but a rly friendly guy. Dignitas weren't too bad, i got to meet jaka and we both called each other arrogant :D but rly they weren't that bad at all, it was kinda nice to put faces to everyone.
Netherlands Ronner and Netherlands maverick and co were rly sound. Germany Butchji was quite quiet, i think i only spoke to him a couple of times. Austria Potter just got wasted and stoned whilst trying to rob mystic's config :), Austria Darky tried to keep him on his feet and sober but failed miserably :D

Saturday was a bad day for the team. Waiting around for a game that started 4 hours late and then osing to a very strong looking polar team put us 2nd in our group. Then we beat zerobarrier before dropping to the loosers bracket after defeat at the hands of Dignitas. Disappointed the team went to the hotel (it was late, like 1am when dignitas game finished), motivation was low and everyone was pretty downbeat and very tired. Back at 9am in the morning so no drinking was gonna happen today.

Sunday the team turned up, got setup and after a shaky start against one soldier we turned up and started playing. We really got into gear and played some of our best games. It was almost non stop as Ada barely gave us chance to get a drink between games and we tried to keep the schedule running on time. After the win against Dignitas the team was immensely happy, we had achieved 2nd place no matter what the result of the TLR game so the tournament had worked out well.
Having played and lost the final then to TLR the team was naturally slightly disappointed not to have gone all the way but none the less we were happy and proceeded to get the drinks down us.
I never went out that evening cause i had to drive the fun bus back to the airport in the morning but by the sounds of things everyone was totally wasted especially tiigeri and raveneye who were not handling the shots that mystic gave them very well.

On monday we came home just making it to the airport in time for the fins to catch their flight.

It was an awesome tourney and thanks go out to the admins especially Tosspot, ada and cash for doing such a great job. CPC3 should hopefully be just as good.

No need to mention names but was awesome to meet everyone. cu @ EC
nice read :D
nice to meet you <3 =)
You hung out with MYSTIC?? Nah, nice read :P
Nice read, and was a pleasure meeting you and the others. You're an example of what a manager should be like, I hope you had as good a time as the rest of us! <3
The only thing you forgot to send me mystics cfg:D
Tekoa jumpstyle? :o
its the "against resized pictures" campaign?
a lot of people asked me at cpc2 if i had a kid and the reply to them was that yes i had a little girl lauren. This is a pic of her a week ago with her first ice cream
Look like she liked it ;D
Oh unlucky shot, the ice cream looks like a bit like this very special mustache and I even saw slight idea of side parting :o]
aww she is so cute<3
Noo you dont have to say :$
So few normal looking people ;)
nice read evo! glad to meet such a nice guy! cya@cpc3
nice hat mate
hehe I brought it for potter but AGAIN he forgot to take it home with him.
so unlucky with that german mate =DDD
soo unlucky mate.
Very nice read. Btw how do you finance this team?
really nice guys :)
Quote-kitty totally getting hit on by snuble whilst wesbo looked over not too amused :D

Bra jobba! :D
tack sä mycket:D
very nice read.
BTW: is m1lk conan o'Brians offspring by any chance?
najs, need more team fotos with names like this one
shame it couldnt make it Evo, would have been nice to meet you!

Where is mthd on the pictures? I cant find him! :D
rly nice pic :)
dutchies dont like huge german beerglasses?
they didnt have any big glasses anymore @ the bar.
't geeft niet als je niet zo goed tegen alcohol kunt hoor ;)
oh maar ik kan heel goed tegen alcohol,vraag maar aan Wesbo en Kitty ;dd
ja je was nog eerder op dan ik :D
yep en geen kater. <;o)

ook nog ff brood bij de finnen gejat met wes. ;D
so arrogant tbh

jaka arrogant? Can't be, the guy is funny as hell!
arrogant prick :P
haha =) was nice to finally meet u evo, see u next time round
A good writeup, eVo. Was really nice to meet you.

I have to say, that eVo did an excellent job in arranging the trip for Impact... The guys didn't have to worry about anything, everything was taken care of.

Also, on Thursday it was evident, that eVo was tired as hell: being awake for one day straight, travelling and driving the majority of it. Even so, never did we hear any complaints, and he a really positive attitude during the whole trip. I have nothing but good things to say about eVo -- somehow I have the feeling Impact Gaming is not going to be a fluke, some day it'll be a respected MGC brand.

Thanks for a great trip dude! I hope we'll meet again in the near future.

And don't worry, I'll pay my dues. :)
finaly a nicely taken pic of impact
Thnx :D, my pic-skillz > all
Give m1lk some milk!
This joke was too easy...sorry.
nice <33
fins and the english man with big beerglasses and the dutchies with small ones :)
nice write and thanks for the trip eVo! but hell, smt is wrong with german/dutch ladies!
Maybe you should keep your pants on a bit longer :p ;-)
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