this isnt gna be one of those long journals about my experience etc since i dont feel like doing one now, maybe on the weekend but not for now.

Just want to say that the lan was great, lots of surprises, lots of money lots of losses at gbooky :D

Was fuckin awesome meeting up with the polar crew and the rest of the et guys i've been playing with and against for ages :)

Everyone was nice, even the dignitas guys! The atmosphere was really nice, enjoyed every second of it. I dont want to make any shoutouts or anything cos ill forget alot of people for sure :D. Gratz to TLR for owning all.

Hope u guys enjoyed speccing as much as i enjoyed playing, especially in the auxilia game for the comeback we made <3 teamspirit, great performance against impact really really nice game, and for the good laugh against one.soldier where we played infront of each other and shewie, who was infront of me, told his teammates every attack i called on frost [HI SHEWIE! :fdDDD], licid for throwing some piece of paper at me [wtf was it? :DDD] and mAx for the great laugh of pausing at the end :)

ill end my journal here, i will try to write a few review of the polar adventure during the weekend.


edit: yes i know im hairy :D and ill upload some pics eventually
me for player of the lan? :DD

image: yeti_lg

toxic busted
lol soz voor die comment over je sHg pic, je stond er blijkbaar beetje raar op, ik verontschuldig mij hierbij perfo!
waarom snap ik hem niet :{
n1 toxic, i had heard u were hairy so i looked for hairy people on malta.... i could have sworn 50 times it was you when the qualification "hairy" was implied !
Toxic was really kind and friendly and he rocked on LAN.
just a shame u got fucking owned against us :DDDDDDDDDDD
be nice meanie! :D
Why even the dignitas guys? They are some nice fellas! And yes you played really nice. :)
from what i had seen from here of other lans i didnt know what to expect, i can say that they were fine ppl :)
Was nice seeing you, random h$ only plx! :O)
lotto panzershots plz !
for the fistfight?

we already owned u at offline so np !
more lotto plz!!! ;p
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