and again

i have probs with ET =/

last time i solved this is by re-installing ET and im not gonna do it again.

i join the game, start to play but when it feels like ping start to go up till 999

if i have hlsw switched on it shows that i was pinging the server fine and then i go 999.

if i do /reconnect im fine as soon as i join but then again it start to lag....

All the internet is fine, i still talk on ventrilo & can browse while im 999...

if i try to join an ETTV server i go 999 as soon as i join in

help :(
1st :D,

Re-install ET :o
Kinda weird

Try switching off your antivirus/firewall software
no antivirus/firewalls on system :(
got netgear router? :D
no routers

im on LAN, im the host (have 2 network cards on my pc - 1 for internet, other for LAN) and the other pc is switched off
really strange..i guess you'll have to reinstall again! :/
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