Nice addictive game

Be very careful when you play this game, it is highly addictive :D
wtf do you do xD
Thought you were speaking bout ET.
boring as fuck :)
id have to agree after playing round with it for 5 mins ;p
lol i played with it around 10 min xD
you cant die? played 5 min nothing happend except that the monster is only eating the other monsters
It's very spore-like :)
it suckz
How shit is that...
its like.. SNAKE!
Endless snake ?
Yeah, fl0w is awesome, bit short through. Dark room and quality headset makes it one of the best flashgames ever. PS3 version (that can be bought from PSN for 5euros) is awesome too.
wtf do u have to do?!?
Hmh, played it "through"... Ate some huge snake on the bottom level, and the game just ended. :|
How long did you play? I been playing for almost 30min+ now and it looks like a octopus(pink background stage) :OO
40 mins maybe... The background turned all black, and music switched to rumbling bass effects.
i think you just finnished the first evolve itc, cuz I had like 4-5 times that :Å


ah, you experienced the freeze bug, that sucks ;-<
I'm playing it now for more than an hour I guess, and you can be another kind of "thing" when you evolved completely with the first. :D
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