They’re disturbing and addictive, but no threat

video game violence!

I don't like it. I turn blood splatter off in ET. Urrrrgh. Oh, and I don't like stabbing people. Shooting people on video games removes me from the gore and intimacy of having to physically stick my knife into someone.
I don't play action games because I can kill people... I play them, well... for the action ofc.
anyone who enjoys only KILLING people in ET is a dangerous 'tard
NP:. Shadow Skill 22 [Onigiri][ED24FFF5].avi
nothing like smattering 10 people with an air strike -.-
i play killing games because i train my aim, learning new moves and tactics to kill people, soon im so good that i can kill people and i know how to cover my tracks! :>
killing games are educational!
The killing-aspect of ET is nothing more than managing to put the little dot on top of the head of my enemy and hearing the DINGDINGDING-sound (ok, my aim isn't NEARLY that good, but nevertheless, you get my point.)
Thats how it works irl also, 3 dings and your dead(4 if your a medic with lucky regen time)
It's all about blaming the shit medics IRL tbh.
Medics are infact protected by the Geneva Convention.
i just got my piece, so i'm thinking about quiting games, cuz now i can play IRL
Sweet! Is it a six-shooter??
"six-shooters" aren't much good imo too small mag and long reload time + you usually have to carry the ammo as single cartridges rather than an easy to handle mag like you have in semi-auto pistols. :)
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