sens question
18 Apr 2007, 13:59
i use to play with 5 sens in et and with 105 fov, if i want to switch my fov to 90 sometimes, do i need to change my sens? if yes, how much should it be?
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
fov dosn't effect ur sens you might think it does but it don't
for example playing with 90 fells like walking but then playing with 120 feels like ur sprinting
and 120 for the rest :D
so i am used to a 10% lower sense
anyway u should use "try and error" to find the settings that suit to you ;)
It should be the same feeling when u move ur mouse. Just try it.
When u change ur sens from 105 to 90 and u keep ur sens its feels quite fast. So lower it a bit and it should be fine.
90/105*5 = 4,2857142857142857142857142857143
sounds simple but it works.
in estonia atleast
nah not rly im overdrive and just hacked heidi's account :DDDDDDD
fov 90 for long range sens 0.90
fov 112 for normal playing sens 1.20
and in 112 i use cg_drawgun 1 and in 90 its 0.. and my crosshair is a little different.
ty, np
fov 90 = sens 1.20
aber wir werden sehn wer hier der lowe ist mein_bruder_den_ich_gerne_hätte_aber_nie_hatte :)
komm nicht ins kotige ts :'(
der bulle sollte ma sein scheiß server fixen !
but if u change ur fov ingame all the time because of the distance u will be confused because of not changing ur sens :S
try it, it feels the same
then u move to same point on screen with moving mouse as much as u did before
and calculated a new sense for 105 ..
it differs with 64 lesser from the calculation of yours..
but i guess it's almost the same :) ..
problem is, i can't remember how i calculated it back then xDD
im confused O_o
Because if I take his sens, this would be the outcome:
newsens = tan(90/2) / tan(105/2) * 5 = -6.334
Or am I doing something wrong? The funny thing is, that if I use tan-1 something else comes out:
newsens = tan-1(90/2) / tan-1(105/2) * 5 = 4.989
I need to find the right Tan on my calculator.
niin torttukin tekisi! (tm)
get used to it its awesome.
sens*(tan(90/2)/tan(105/2)) . In your case fov 90 sens would be
5 * (1/1,3032253728412057558681490089903) = 3,8366349398948017146152084600113 .