mAus problems

Ok, I had a Diamondback for 6 months or so, until it started powering down a couple months ago (had to plug it in and out of the usb port). So I bought a Razer Pro Click v1.6 (really precise mouse, liked it a lot). It worked fine for a couple of months, until it started powering down aswell. When it powered down it made my keyboard which is also connected with usb power down. I thought the problem could be my usb port, but a week ago I borrowed an mx518 from a friend, and it didn't power down, nor did my keyboard. As soon as I gave the mx518 back and started using the Razer mouse again, I still have the same problem (mouse/keyboard shuts off).

Could it be that the Razer mouse takes all the power from the usb ports and crashes it or what could it be? :P

Going to buy me an mx518 as soon as I get my paycheck :]
RazeR Lakaiii playing on mx518, unexpected
that's why he dont own
For høy USBrate på Razer-musene?
Den funka i 2 måneder med 500, så forstår ikke om det skulle være problemet =]
Hmm.. Har du andre ting på samme USB-kanalen? Husk at to usb-porter som er ved siden av hverandre bakpå maskina ofte er på samma kanal..
Går jo uansett an å prøve å sette ned raten litt for å se om det funker da, isåfall har du iallefall isolert problemet
Tester litt forskjellig nå, takk for hjelpen :]
Må ha deg i stand til NC vettu, vi fanboisa må hjelpe til med det vi kan :DD
Try to disconnect as many USB devices as you can and possibly connect your keyboard to the PS/2 port instead of USB. On the other hand make sure you connect your mouse to the USB ports native to your motherboard (instead of the "extension" ports like the ones on the front of your case).
Cheers, I'll try that.
Are you sure that the problem sticks in USB Ports ? I had Razer Diamondback and mine was powering down because the cable was fucked up.
Well the keyboard powerers down aswell :)
Maybe the keyboard cable is fucked up too :>
Iv have like 5 razer copperheads now and its been the wire that broke everytime I also thought it was the usb ports at first but the odd time it froze my ps2 keyboard to, open a ticket on the razer website and they'll replace it for you for free, get a brand new mouse back sell it on ebay then buy another mx518 like you said, save yourself some money
Good idea =)
Could be that a fucked up cable from the Diamondback "sends" the power back, so it will cause some short-circuiting and thats why your keyboard will crash too.
This is what I'm thinking. I've tried to have as few usb devices connected as possible, but still same thing. With an old optical mouse I don't get the same problem, but as soon as I plug in the Razer, it happens again.

Must be the Razer mouse killing it all :(
same prob with diamondback.. i already said fuck it and play with an logitech default mouse. anyways you can try disabling usb port power saving from device manager, it is suggested on the razer homepage and is supposed to work in some cases, didn't help me tho.
Stop spilling burger-grease all over the place!
Enough with the burger jokes!
mx518 is the dogs bollocks. had mine for about 6 months and 0 problems with it.
I bought a mx518 two days ago because my Mx510 died :( , I like it really much :)
Du skal kjøpe Razer Deathadder..
Ikke noe annet.

Løv ju lakaii. <33 ;D
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