Need a small and simple...

...program that I can replace for Windows Live Messenger, because it pisses me off.

So what I need is a nice and simple program that doesn't use a lot of RAM, but I still need to login with my hotmail account and see all my contacts 'n stuff.

Is there such a program? :p If yes, could you guys give me a link with the newest version 'n stuff.

Thanks in advance.


edit: I tried pidgin/gaim, but when I tried to login with my hotmail account it just crashed and I got a Windows Error Report.
trillian / miranda = multimessenger
Gaim > all, imo... pidgin is... just another name for smth that everybody knows as Gaim...
i know, my version is still called gaim ;)
use windows messenger it takes almost nothing
try jabber, yet i dunno if u can log in with ur hotmail account but iimo u can.
windows messenger ftw
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