piracy = legal?

First YESSS!
personal usage/copys = non profit ?
saving money on not buying something is a clear profit!
profit is such a fuzzy term.

Would you buy it if you couldn't download it?
of course those croked politicians will side with the money people, they pay there way, non-profit people cant pay them the big payoffs ;[

Pirateing stuff is good, it takes money away from evil people liek t3h us4 and george cl0oney
Did you read the text? If it is about the stuff I read about ~a 1 month ago then it's actually about "legalizing" piracy done by private persons.
QuoteThey excluded patent rights from the scope of the Directive, and decided that criminal sanctions should only apply to those infringements deliberately carried out to obtain a commercial advantage. Piracy committed by private users for personal, non-profit purposes are therefore also excluded.
Well my english suckes, the text is way to confusing xD its liek watching x-files without subtitles =Ð
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