i love you amanda

Dear Friends:
A few years ago at a high school in Nevada Something really sad
happened. There was this girl named Amy who loved this guy named Brian. They
were both popular and they were going out. There was this other girl,
Jessica. She Hated Amy and she also really liked Brian and Brian liked
Jessica. One day, when Brian and Amy were going out Jessica asked Brian out
to the movies behind Amy's back. However, Amy heard about it and followed
them. In the theaters and Brian weren't watching the moving, they were just
"making out." Jesse asked Brian to go to her house about half way through
the movie so that they could be alone. Amy followed them to Jesse's house
and watched them "fool around." The next day, Amy didn't come to school and
she didn't come to school the day after that. After about a week, Amy's Mom
was looking around Amy's room and found, in the closet the dead body of Amy
and next to it was a suicide not that said:
Dear Brian:
I killed myself because of you. I want you to tell everyone you
can about what you did to me or I will kill you and anyom=ne who stands in my
way of telling everyone about Jessica!
I love you,

Now you have to send this to at least 15 people or the vengeful ghost of
Amy will kill YOU! Amy has to tell everyone about what Jessica did! This is
serious! One girl, a friend of mine deleted this because she thought it was
junkman. The next day, her mother found her dead in her bed and the autopsy
revealed no possible explanation for her death. You have 24 Hours to send
this out

also arctic monkeys wrote a song about this, they called it brianstorm, check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30w8DyEJ__0
STOP, grammar time !
I'm waiting for you Amy.
c u in the afterlife.
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