Getting older, priorities change

Changing jobs can do miracles! Today I - or better, the company - ordered a Mercedes C220CDI avantgarde with automatic transmission in Obsidian Black (whatever, it's black). Expected delivery: beginning of July.

Especially the 400nm torque is impressive when flooring the pedal on the highway. Deutsche Autobahnen, here I come :).

image: Afb034
automatic is like low-
Caring is actually the best thing we can do for you.
share my joy!
german cars are still the best :)
need a hand?
right, left or both?
Nice, but auto transmision :<
looks like the new S class ?!
No no it's a C class. But the front shares some characteristics with the S class.
here we don't have the new C class yet, it looks really good :)
automatic sux
nice car, waht kinda job may i ask? Btw 400nm torque is overrated u can almost never use it to the max, cus the traction control will kick in.
You can turn off traction control on the most cars ; >
yes but the the car wont rly move if u put your foot to the metal, you will on smoke your tires.
True.. I had 320 Nm @ 3,800 rpm on my M3. Had some funny burnouts :D
u are 20 years old and already owned a m3?
Ye, for a year. Sold it for some months ago. But i have worked since i was 16.
damn im only a poor student who also worked since i was 16(not fulltime tho) but all my money is constantly gone. proly cus of all these shitty taxes in the NL.
Your taxes owns if you compare them to swedish taxes which is the highest ones in the world :p
Norwegian taxes are worse, trust me. :D
I think they're the same as swedish, maybe worse. :<
so more than 50% of what u earn goes to the government?
Right now, IT Security consultant in pre-sales. In a few months, manager of all the pre-sales people. That's what I got hired for, but I need some "run-in" time.

I have to differ on the TC & 400nm. The torque is especially handy in 4th & 5th gear. No need to shift back to 3rd or 4th to overtake and the gear box seems to know it :).
agree on that part but rly the diesels are so slow in first gear and 2nd gear, i mean the torque is amazin but it takes to long to shift gears constantly.
Actually the whole point of massive torque is that you don't need to shift too much. you don't have to go looking in the high revs for the horses to get you going :).
well my experience is that u got to be very carefull on the throttle cus otherwise ull jsut smoke tires.
I'll let you drive it @ CPC3 then to give you another experience :>
maybe its different with the merc but with my dads car (yes im a poor student and therefore drive my parents cars), volvo s60 d5 ill get that all the time.
nice :D pretty cool, almost as cool as the swedish chef
nice priorities
I want it I want it!
Automatic cars are actually a joy to drive. What are you talking about?
they make u a lazy driver
True but I spend so much time on the road I get stuck in traffic alot. And then it's a joy!
Well you don't have to focus on some extra-shit with the automatic and you can focus better on the road. Maybe that's lazy but nvm
i bet you never drove a car, stick shift is much much more fun, than automatic
Then you have never driven the Golf R32 with DSG gearbox :)
auto cars are for females and old people
u forgot americans
The macho-community has spoken. I just think autocars are a joy to drive. Plus the great fun of just gas and brake. :D

But then again, the shifting-gears part is like the backbone of driving, and it actually brings alot of feeling to the driving ofc.

But I stand by my oppinion, automatic cars are great to drive.
in autum my father gets the same car but with a 320CDI(510nm) :>
Didn't fit in my budget :(. Tell him to put the 18" AMG rims on it, they are beautiful!!!
i try to they are nice indeed

ps PKR is boring, i got king and two 7 times in a row now .. nais
automatic. Ha
fuck... nice car

and nice pc :)
Yeah Nokia cell phones with 1 megapixel give high quality pics :D
we have the same car :>
only in silver with normal transmission
avantgarde as well? you got yours already?
automatic is low, but nice car.
automatic transmission sucks...but it's still a nice car
wanna drive it at CPC3?
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