Akon raping...

...a 14 year old girl on the concert.

Just have a look.

What can I say -.-
What's wrong with that? Just having a laugh tbh
she got pretty owned :D
she didnt care, :/ she didnt show that she did to be honest..
A W.A.S.P raping a child, it is unexpected.
Highly disturbing. Makes me sick watching it. You can hear her scream.

What would reaction be, beeing a 14 year old girl getting molested at stage before an audience?
i'd kick him in the balls.
I wanna fuck you dirty.
hoezo rent hij zo snel weg, ik durf te wedden dat hij ze onderbroek vol heeft gespoten :z
Whaat the fuck?! sick animal, and the spectators are as sick as him cheering for his dirty play.
what the fuck rly -_-
she won the title "the most whore-like dancer",what did she expect?
I can actually see his face, and I recognized him (In the moment that he turns back and walks carrying her on his hands)
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