Marlboro Lights

I smoked Decem's Marlboro Lights 30 Minutes ago, but don't feel much different... I think he was ripped off :P
Smoking's pretty much the worst thing you can do, congratulations on being a fuckwit like me!
it's Marlboro LIGHTS
Uh, that just means they perforated holes in the filter, you know, the place where you hold the cigarette? So you cover up 50% of the "light" part just by holding it. You compensate the rest of the 50% by inhaling deeper or longer, exposing your self to more of the carcinogens. Have fun with your "Light" crutches.
you studied for that?
No, people much more able than myself did:
I know how to smoke :P
I'm sure you do, but it's a subconscious thing: your body realises that it's not getting as much nicotine, due to the excess air that is allowed to enter through the holes, it then compensates, even if you don't realise it, you are most likely inhaling deeper or for longer than the average smoker. In any case, it's quite ridiculous to presume there are no adverse health effects simply because someone pricked holes in your filters.
so the strongest the best ?
Nope, they just both suck equally. There's no real difference, unless you smoke old fashioned, unfiltered cigarettes; otherwise, one type of cigarette is just as bad as another.
Jeh right, I agree.
agreed with you almighty sock!
did i read Netherlandsperforator?
eating until ur fat is 500 times worse for your body
No, it really isn't. Also, being fat isn't actually bad for your body, it's a symptom not a cause.
dangers of smoking is totally overrated, you increase ur chance on one specific cancer so what? If I get a heavy sunburn every year my skin cancer chance also increases rapidly and who rly cares about that?
Ps: I myself never rly smoked, I have a max pensum of 2 packs/month and I sometimes quit smoking for 2-3 months when I have no money/fun while smoking
Actually, no, circulatory problems are much more common in smokers than in nonsmokers. Also, there's a whole plethora of diseases which have been found to be directly related to smoking. I don't know who gave you your heath education, Phillip Morris?
Na my father is a doctor and is often argueing with anti-smoke protestors, even though he doesnt smoke, because he sees smoking as the most over hyped problem in the media and politic.
And of course he also says it s NOT healthy and he doesnt motivate anyone to start smoking he just says if someone wants to smoke, GOD DAMN LET HIM, and never NEVER make laws to discriminate smokers as he says they are the best people a state could ever wish for => they die early and they die fast which means verly low costs for the sate+the most expensive people are the ones who get old as the are always get some cronic diseases
Ps: this is no pro smoking speach, it s just against discrimination of people who want to live how they want
edit: I have to admit I got a bit away from my argument so here some editing:
Fat people ARE sick, they die from heart failure, get diabetes (dunno the word in english, it s this sugar sickness) and have an extremly long and painfull way of suffering.
Also some PS: I speak of RLY fat people not a bit strong, no I mean FAT
First you say that the health effects of smoking have been over emphasised, and then you claim that smokers die young and die fast? I'm confused as to which one you would have me believe. It's not discrimination, I for one believe smokers should be allowed to smoke should they wish, but I also beleive that it should be made much more difficult for, say, an under 18 year old to procure cigarettes.
I dont see why dying young STATISTICLY and fast is negativ.
when u die because of smoking u almost allways get cancer which is found to late and then u die. u increased the chance to get it but thats it^^
Edit just read ur 18 years smoking "idea" and I totally support that, we here in germany are allowed to smoke from the age of 16 which isnt the real problem, the problem is almsot every 14 year old knows someone whos 16 and so will allways get cigarets so raising the bar would really help I think
You don't see why people dying prematurely is bad? You don't see why losing part of your life is bad? You don't see why it would suck to be killed off when you turn 50?
it s not nice but if I want to chose that way it s not bad
why would you choose to suck ash AND die younger?

ofc today isnt bad if you gonna die tomorrow right
pff u ll die anyway and some cant wait for it
Hardly, not only is it proven that smoking is bad for your health (did u ctually ever saw what the lungs of a smoker look like?), its also a pretty selfish act because your damaging the health of the people around u aswell. I'm not saying that ppl should get shot for smoking or anything, but its just darn stupid if u deny that smoking is bad for both your health and the health of others.

Same goes for using expensive and polluting cars, but thats a different story since cars are close to a necessity in the present world which makes the subject more touchy.
You do know that cigarettes are radioactive?
lol cutty ich dachte du wolltest das net rauchen???
hahha komm die wirkiung kommt bestimmt gleich. btw den ganzen joint???
nö, war knapp über die Hälfte. Aber mal ehrlich... hätte genauso gut ein Bier trinken können. War kein Unterschied festzumachen.
hmmm dann lag der wahrscheinlich einfach schon zu lange oder du bist verdammt resistent. abe rich denk eher das erste...
ich bin voll wieder auf den geschmakc gekommen seit der lan....
erstma ordern..... cu cutty
there are 15 angels in this world
10 are sleeping
9 are playing
1 is reading this

put this on 4 posts within 15 mins, if u do ,sum one u luv will surprise
luckily I don't love anybody, or else they would die from the surprise
lol sock :D
inside jokes > all :DDD
Guessing you're meant to reply to my reply to the "They're marlboro lights" comment
CPC1 - invasion of poker professionals
CPC2 - pro smokers

what's next?
CPC3 - cheaters only
cpc3 - girls only :P
so it will be rly small lan ^^
well, we will take all our fanboys with us it will be a big lan... ^^
fanboys? booh i don't have anyone:(
ofc u have....
Nah:( but i don't need them:P i have someone special =)
hahaha u go in ur bed, i believ it, when u shut down ur pc... :P
anyway sleep welll my friend
same for you:) Sweet dreams =)
wtf is decem's marlboro lights
smth very very special tbh
I wouldnt have bought them without u though !<3
Marlboro light > all!
Lucky Strike FTW!^^
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