
Hey.. anyone using facebook? I am..

but i need to know how to add a movie..

a friend of mine added a movie from youtube, which u can actually look from facebook.. without opening youtube.. how do i do that? anyone know?
Copy and paste the Embed link on the right side of the movie

i didnt get the same Video window up.. the text i paste is showing.. do i have to write something else?
maybe ask ur friend? :P
i did:D he aint responding=)
must be a goood friend !
... or ask perfo
Yes, I'm using it.
Go to Posted Items in the lefthand menu, and you get a text-field: post link, on the right. Put the Youtube URL there.

Hey, let's start a Crossfire.nu Facebook group, what say you?
I use facebook, but more importantly like than me, baggiez, foonr and iain....GRABALLA USES FACEBOOK! Follow the life of the man who rules the internets add him now.
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