surgery tommorow

they're gonna remove mah toe

teenage mutant ninja turtle
which one?
& can i have it?
keep it for gl
gl dewian!!
I know how it feels.
I wish you the best.
mida veel \o/
I have lost a number of toes in an unfortunate teacup accident.
lol wtf why?
Hospitals sucks :( been there 4 days. Could not really move. Food is so fucking shit there its just bjaag
why've you been there?
My right lung collapse for no reason
i was 2 weeks in hospital cuz of some fucking unrecognized virus.. not fun! but why they remove your toe?!
have been 2 weeks there for a delay of a muscle in my right knee + 6 weeks plasta. my right leg lost more than half of its weight... it was so small...

GL m8
You will need a fake toe, be gangsta and have it solid gold.

image: grillz

Like grillz but for your toe :DD
Wtf are u serious
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