im leaving crossfire....

k3k, if you really thought i was gonna quit then:

Tell meh what you did today laik omg,
i woke up at 12:30 after maybe 4 hours sleep (im @ emomode/stress) and then i went down to see what i could eat, i found some nice sandwich spread because it didnt had his fps locked and it was like going everywhere so i told him with higher fps he could have less spread but then it isnt 'spread' anymore so he said "np4me" and then i ate him, i also found a donut with orange stuff on it because its almost the birthday of some queen n stuff, and i had some coffee which the senseo machine made for me, because i asked him to warmup some water and then push it through some coffee pad and then i had coffee i also said to my dog she was really nice and then i went upstairs to eat my stuff because the food ran away from me to my room and then i ate it before it could escape so then i played some quake 3 against some guy who raped me pretty hard (16 - 6) and now im playing some ET and at the same time im listening to music and writing this but now i have to press that button "add journal" because i heard on ventrilo "Prepare to fight" i hope its the new supply else i will prolly spawn back and thats not really nice.
hi loeki
Nice writing skills.
Well, i watched Heroes the whole night, slept till noon, missed school and a poem contest or whatever.
was meant to go to uni, but stayed at home to do an assignment, pretty much did that all day/night just watched 'the last mimzy' now off to bed cos i have work tomorrow morning :<

unban @ #Loekino
would have been a sad day
gonna watch "sunshine" and eat "doner kebap" when i finally get home... :/
During the 1940s, when Hitler was dictating Germony, a young jwish girl named pamala Carbaskie was sent to the holocaust and was hung. For some strange reason she was still alive and you could see her red eyes glowing. If you do not Comment 3 other journals with this message she will be staring at you 12:00 AM and if you sleep YOU WILL DIE!!
loekino, u are seriously ugly :(
Where are the real ones then :p
ja en jij ben lelijk=)
I read the topic and thought "OH SHIT MY PAGEVIEW STATS"
During the 1940s, when Hitler was dictating Germony, a young jwish girl named pamala Carbaskie was sent to the holocaust and was hung. For some strange reason she was still alive and you could see her red eyes glowing. If you do not Comment 3 other journals with this message she will be staring at you 12:00 AM and if you sleep YOU WILL DIE!!
I hope you die for commenting it!
nice [enter] skillz
Loekino replied to your comment Crossfire 20 Apr 07, 16:08
Loekino replied to your comment Crossfire 20 Apr 07, 12:45
Loekino replied to your comment Crossfire 20 Apr 07, 12:41
You have the wrong timezone set in your profile :(
dont leave us alone :(((
spammer !
niet ik =)
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