im leaving crossfire....
20 Apr 2007, 16:01
k3k, if you really thought i was gonna quit then:
Tell meh what you did today laik omg,
i woke up at 12:30 after maybe 4 hours sleep (im @ emomode/stress) and then i went down to see what i could eat, i found some nice sandwich spread because it didnt had his fps locked and it was like going everywhere so i told him with higher fps he could have less spread but then it isnt 'spread' anymore so he said "np4me" and then i ate him, i also found a donut with orange stuff on it because its almost the birthday of some queen n stuff, and i had some coffee which the senseo machine made for me, because i asked him to warmup some water and then push it through some coffee pad and then i had coffee i also said to my dog she was really nice and then i went upstairs to eat my stuff because the food ran away from me to my room and then i ate it before it could escape so then i played some quake 3 against some guy who raped me pretty hard (16 - 6) and now im playing some ET and at the same time im listening to music and writing this but now i have to press that button "add journal" because i heard on ventrilo "Prepare to fight" i hope its the new supply else i will prolly spawn back and thats not really nice.
Tell meh what you did today laik omg,
i woke up at 12:30 after maybe 4 hours sleep (im @ emomode/stress) and then i went down to see what i could eat, i found some nice sandwich spread because it didnt had his fps locked and it was like going everywhere so i told him with higher fps he could have less spread but then it isnt 'spread' anymore so he said "np4me" and then i ate him, i also found a donut with orange stuff on it because its almost the birthday of some queen n stuff, and i had some coffee which the senseo machine made for me, because i asked him to warmup some water and then push it through some coffee pad and then i had coffee i also said to my dog she was really nice and then i went upstairs to eat my stuff because the food ran away from me to my room and then i ate it before it could escape so then i played some quake 3 against some guy who raped me pretty hard (16 - 6) and now im playing some ET and at the same time im listening to music and writing this but now i have to press that button "add journal" because i heard on ventrilo "Prepare to fight" i hope its the new supply else i will prolly spawn back and thats not really nice.
Loekino replied to your comment Crossfire 20 Apr 07, 12:45
Loekino replied to your comment Crossfire 20 Apr 07, 12:41