weird dream...

Ii had a weird dream last night....
I was meeting mAus irl we had a nice conversation until i asked him to give me his cfg settings afterwhat he fuckin ran away XD.

PS: im not a bloody fanboii.

flame on!

You are like the israeli dude, that dreamt of me stealing his bike....

A strange world this is. :P
eeh you stole ma old nickname :P
** NUKED **
Hoi chaoz.
learn lucid, u could have fucked mr. maus!
you fanboi
weren't u the guy crying on a public serv cause someone had the nick spree in his yawn ?
gay dream...
[23:19:50] <sub-hYpe> i had a dream the other day
[23:19:56] <sub-hYpe> i was talking to mystic in pm on irc
[23:20:02] <sub-hYpe> but i cant remember what about :<

looks like im not the only one XD.
i had a dr3am once that i went to cpc2 with my fun friends team <3
"fun friend"? Who's the receiver?
fun friends team u stupid irish handsome boy
lol i had that same dream last night
i dreamed of al7 naked
last night i dreamed of san pedro
i dreamt that all the boys on cpc were girls and i was the only boy alive on the planet and we would have a 500 man orgie and the one who fucked the longest won CPC 2 ,
My life is like a dream..
hahaha ja als je altijd zo stoned klinkt als jij xD
i would see it as a clearly sign to do a pause with ET and have a bit RL xD
fucking nerds
i saw JaKaZc in my dream!
Some days ago I dreamed that is joined Impact and i was becoming famous. Then mystic gave me his config and i became the best pro ever!!!!!!!
nolifer :DDD
i dreams i touched kris and just by touching him i stole his leet-ness
s i c k
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