adsl probs

i've been having probs lately with my adsl, ever since it was upgraded to 6mb, i get ping probs but my download rate seems to stay the same. Sometimes my ping stays at a stable 48 but most of the time it jumps to 150/200 and jumps from 98 - 200 ping. When i connect it says its connecting as 5.5 - 6 mbps, but it doesnt seem that way.

I looked at my connection and noticed that i seem to be getting LOADS of bytes received and i wondered if this was the problem. Usually in the ratio 5-1 to bytes sent, like right now its 6,800,000 bytes received to 2,000,000 bytes sent, and my pings currently jumpy. Just wondering if the problem is my adsl provider or if someone is spamming me out with packets or something, if anyone knows anything just enlighten me please ;(

ps . the worst its ever been whils't downloading
i believe thats a good thing - a brown boy
new internet?
i had the same problem when i upgraded my connection from 2mb to 6mb, it always crashed and ping jumpel up to 200/250 and downloads where same like with the 2mb connection.
I phoned my provider and they told me to get a new router because the old one maybe cant take full bandbright. so i got a new router and now everything is fine^^
lOLz he gotzta spend monee
what company were you with? because i phoned them and they said about getting a new modem
i'm at t-online, they said me nothing too fucktards, i had to phone 3times or more until a competive guy explained me that i need a new router
( [.]c[.] ) <---- LELZ
| ___ | <----ASK
\ / <----HIM
retarded monkey man
Where is timmeh, I miss him ='((
blame provider for that
does your modem have any analyse functions? what's your lines attenuation? Maybe your line is too long, so you have packet loss.
no alalyse functions as far as i am aware of, and im not sure of the line length :/
router firmware update worked for me
any specific one i should get? link pls :S
what`s your router?
edit: name / brand
zoom PPP dsl
never heard of that one
Buy an Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line.
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