Hardware question

ive currently 100 € and i want to buy some new hardware, because my fps are sucking.
what shall i buy to get more fps?

CPU: AMD 2800+
Grafic: READON 9200 SE (no PCI-E)
1 GB ram
80 GB harddrive :<

is it better to buy a new mainboard and processor/pci-e grafic or just a better agp graficcard?

thx4fast reply
any suggestions?
no new CPU without buying a new mainboard :P
it can easily set him up to 3600+ without new mainboard :<
weiß aber nicht, ob sich das lohnen würde :P
ich hab in meiner kiste nen 2000+ und habe bis auf goldrush und radar stabile 125fps mit einer GeForce Ti4200
lolz wie hast du den getweekt? xD
keine ahnung... läuft halt einfach so :P
ich halte mich momentan aus dem sockelkrieg heraus :)
ich würde an deiner stelle auch noch ein wenig sparen und dann lieber n neues mainboard mit dual core CPU nehmen.
hab grad geschaut AM2 Sockel mainboard mit agp 8x 58 €
und AMD dualcore mit 2 x 2ghz fuer 70€
increase ur money and buy a new mboard, processor and gc =D
lend me some :C
have to save money for driver licence
buy amd athlon 3200 or 3200 if you will buy a gfx you will still have a low fps
a new card 3D imo :<

EDIT: i've found that with google

buy 1GB ram, cos i cant get prober CPU, mboard, or gc with 100e
FPS sucking with those? I got 1.4ghz / Geforce mx440se and i got steady 76 FPS on all maps minus radar and the yard in goldrush. Hell, you should get steady 333fps with that system.
dunno what it is, i played with over 180 in the past, but suddenly it changed to 76 unstable and i also tryed format a several times tweaking etc, seems like something fucked up.
Prolly windows coughcough
dont spend 100€ ... just wait some more time and buy a new motherboard + cpu.

the amd 64 3500+ - 3800+ are kinda cheap now. when I bought it for 200€ (3700+) it was like 220€ (january 2006) now it costs 80€
dude buy better graphic card because that sux. but if i was u i would wait for more money, rly :)
Save the money and buy better computer.
In few months you can get 8600 for like 150€ or 180€ and new motherboard like for 100€ or 150€ then prosessor for 180€ and you have better computer then that shit that you say with radeon 9200.

A8N32-SLI Deluxe, nF4 SLI X16, S939, PCI-E, DDR, ATX 148€

Athlon 64 Boxed 3500+ (0.09) "Venice", S939, 2.2GHz, 512KB, 2000MHz HyperTransport 94€

GF 7300LE PCI-E 128M TV-DVI ATX/LP 53€ <--even this shit is better then RADEON9200

GF 7600GT PCI-E 256MB GDDR-3 Golden Sample 160€ <---this shit is dammg good.

= 295€ if you take 7300LE
=402€ if you take 7600GT

So basicly save your money and wait little bit then buy good computer.
einfach auf pump neuen kaufen
graphic card cuz u've enough ram try to get nVIDIA 6800GT cuz i bet u don't have PCI-X on your motherboard
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