Small Linux Prob.

Yesterday I update my Ubuntu to 7.04 and it seemed to work like wonders. Except when today I tried to mount my External HDD (Seagate 250gb) it didnt automatically find it. Ok,tried to mount it manually, still nothing.. What to do? I want it to come to desktop when I plug it on and so on.

Levy /dev/hda: 80.0 Gt, 80060424192 tavua
255 päätä, 63 sektoria/ura, 9733 sylinteriä
Yksiköt = 16065 * 512 = 8225280 -tavuiset sylinterit

Laite Käynn Alku Loppu Lohkot Id Järjestelmä
/dev/hda1 * 1 9546 76678213+ 83 Linux
/dev/hda2 9547 9733 1502077+ 5 Laajennettu
/dev/hda5 9547 9733 1502046 82 Linux / Solaris heittovaihtotiedosto

Levy /dev/sda: 250.0 Gt, 250059350016 tavua
255 päätä, 63 sektoria/ura, 30401 sylinteriä
Yksiköt = 16065 * 512 = 8225280 -tavuiset sylinterit

Laite Käynn Alku Loppu Lohkot Id Järjestelmä
/dev/sda1 * 1 30401 244196001 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)

It does "see" it, but how can I mount it, mount /dev/sda1 /random/point gives me this:
mount: filetype must be given (or something like that)

Second little problem is with NVIDIA drivers. When I boot my pc, they give me random error about X, so I have to reinstall my drivers all over again. After that, it works until the next boot. I have fixed this previosly but I cant remember how? Something to do with xorg.conf, but it wasnt nv -> nvidia change.

Thanks for your help.

Reminder: useless repliers will get 1day to 1month period of bantime, aight?
ask echtor at #echtor2oo3

dunno if this helps for you, but those things made it work for me when I used ubuntu
Thats what I have done, usually its just
#Load DRI
#Load GLcore
load "glx"


nv -> nvidia, but didnt help this time
Why dont u tell him the filesystem then?
mount fat32 /dev/sda1 /random/point (or something like that)

Read the manual page:
man mount for details
Have you tried this script for video driver installation? Worked for me perfectly when upgraded from 5.10 to 6.06
mount -o loop /device /point

try that

second one:

dpkg remove linux-restricted-modules`uname -r`

removes ubuntu drivers (u maybe need to install nvidia drivers once more but then itll be ok)
First didnt work, plus restricted-modules thingy is working like it should. There is an easy solution for the second one, just cant remember what it is.
well read the xserver log. youll see that it complains that kernel module id 74xx and your module is 9xx. just remove ubuntu drivers u dont need em anyways
Nvm.. But try

mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /random/folder

if that doesn't work:

fsck.vfat /dev/sda1

and then try to mount it again.

Second: Remove the initscript that fucks up the nvidia-thing
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