aim = 1 ?

i just got kicked in a serv for cvar aim = 1 ?

hahaha self busted
in other serv nothin happend :-(
r u stupid?!
busted retard
busted! die!
its not the first time this as happened. Just stop installing cheats
3 options:

1: you play with aim = 1
2: you play with aim = 1
3: you play with aim = 1

your pick
4. he didnt play he get kickt*
u are so stupid.
Unexpected ...

After ot_logo=1
/°> *quak* *'*'*'BUSTED*'*'*' *quak* <°\
/°> *quak* *'*'*'BUSTED*'*'*' *quak* <°\
/°> *quak* *'*'*'BUSTED*'*'*' *quak* <°\
/°> *quak* *'*'*'BUSTED*'*'*' *quak* <°\
/°> *quak* *'*'*'BUSTED*'*'*' *quak* <°\
/°> *quak* *'*'*'BUSTED*'*'*' *quak* <°\
/°> *quak* *'*'*'BUSTED*'*'*' *quak* <°\
/°> *quak* *'*'*'BUSTED*'*'*' *quak* <°\
/°> *quak* *'*'*'BUSTED*'*'*' *quak* <°\
/°> *quak* *'*'*'BUSTED*'*'*' *quak* <°\
/°> *quak* *'*'*'BUSTED*'*'*' *quak* <°\
/°> *quak* *'*'*'BUSTED*'*'*' *quak* <°\
/°> *quak* *'*'*'BUSTED*'*'*' *quak* <°\
Could be the server that checked wrong or smth.

There are other options than that he is cheating. :P

Im sure he dont cheat. :]
remove aim "1" cvar from etpro/profiles/etconfig.cfg
pls someone ban this moron
OMG PLS GUYS - rqmbo = HAX ?
are you retarded? He is low like fuck and you call him cheater :DDDDDD U see rqmbo say thanks to god you dont own
he just posted it because he s scared some1 else does it =D
it's because of a the cvar, mr. sherlock!
aim=1 for most bots means autoaim is on. im unsure as to what bot the cvar is from but ill investigate!
cheater and cless (again). what became of dharma and vplay? lowshit imo. let him hack bothers no1 cauz he obviously can not even setup a hack!
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